Into The Woods Part 1

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"Falcon One, do we have go?" asked Charles.

"The light is green, Tiger One" answered Jake.

"What are you gonna say when you crash through the window?" asked Charles.

"Hey, there, sorry for dropping in" replied Jake.

"Goosebumps, Jake. Goosebumps" Charles said.

"Is the equipment secure?" you asked.

"Check" said Jake.

"Weapon loaded?" you asked.

"Check" Jake said.

"Did you have breakfast?" Charles asked suddenly.

"What? That's not on the checklist" said Jake, confused.

"I added it because I care about" said Charles.

"No, he didn't have breakfast" you said.

"Unacceptable. Look in your pocket" Charles said.

Jake reached inside his pocket. "Hey, there's little chocolate chips in this."

"Yeah, I'm not an idiot. I know how to trick my best friend into eating his fiber" said Charles.

"All right, bar digested. Mission go" said Jake.

Jake used a zip wire to crash through the window of an apartment.

"NYPD!" said Charles, running into the apartment. "Stay where you are!"

"Hands in the air where I can see them!" you said, pointing a gun at the criminals.

"Hey, there, sorry for dropping in" said Jake. "Was it cool? It felt really cool."

"Yeah" you said.

"Yeah, it was pretty cool" said Charles.

"Pretty cool? What went wrong?" Jake asked.

"Uh, nothing" Charles said.

"You have fudge on cheek" said one of the criminals.

"Oh, from the breakfast bar, Boyle!" exclaimed Jake.

"Oh, from the breakfast bar, Boyle!" exclaimed Jake

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"So I smash through the window feet first. There's glass everywhere, and I say 'Hey, there, sorry for dropping in'" Jake explained to the squad.

"Whoa!" said Gina.

"And the best part is, there was nothing on my cheek" said Jake.

"That's a weird detail to throw in there" Amy said.

"You're a weird detail to throw in there" Jake said.

"Hmm? What?" asked Amy.

"Wait a second, Peralta. You busted through a window for no reason?" asked Terry.

"Basic police tactic, Sarge. Cover every exit" said Jake.

"It was a sealed window on the fifth floor. You could have just gone in the door with Charles and y/n" Terry said.

"Yeah, but then what would my catchphrase have been?" asked Jake. "'Knock, knock, who's there? Justice?' Ooh, that's actually amazing. Charles, write that down."

"Already did" Charles said.

"Sarge, what's the big deal? We stopped two kilos of heroin from hitting the streets. Who cares about one broken window?" Jake asked.

"I do! I'm the one who has to spend all weekend doing paperwork because of your dumb stunt" said Terry.

"But... Terry loves paperwork?" said Jake.

"No, Jake, I do not" Terry said.

"Oh" Jake said.

"Look, man, I've got two kids, a job, and a very pregnant wife. I get one hour a week to myself on Sundays. You know what I do with that time? I run a hot bubble bath, wheel in a TV, and watch sports bloopers" Terry said.

"Sports bloopers?" asked Charles.

"They're hilarious and relaxing, and they humanize my heroes" explained Terry.

"Okay, well, I went through a window. That's a blooper of sorts, right?" Jake asked.

"No! It's not a blooper if you meant to do it!" Terry said. "Thanks for ruining my weekend. This is a debacle."

"Oh, man. Sarge is pissed. What are we gonna do, Jake?" asked Charles as Terry walked away.

"Don't worry, it's gonna be fine. We just have to turn this debacle into a straight up 'bacle'" said Jake.


Amy walked over to Gina's desk where y/n was dropping off some files. "Hey, Gina, y/n. Could you guys do me a favor?"

"Yes, thank you for asking. I did not feel like doing this work right now" said Gina, moving the files from her desk into the trash can.

"Yeah, of course" you said.

"Um, Gina, those looked important" said Amy.

"What's up? How can we help?" asked Gina.

"Well, when I was a kid, I invented a magnetic flashlight clip so I could read under the covers" said Amy, and put the magnetic clip onto her shoulder. "This clip and I went all around the world together. The Shire, Sweet Valley High, Terabithia."

"But never to a friend's house, huh?" Gina asked.

"Uncalled for. Anyway, I realized that this could be really helpful for police work, so I made an appointment with the head of NYPD purchasing. I have to sell him on it, but I'm afraid I might come across a little boring" explained Amy.

Gina gasped. "Amy, are you asking me to She's All That you?" 

"I didn't read that. But if it's about helping out a friend, then yes. Please She's All That me" said Amy.

"Amy, She's All That is a film" you said.

"Oh. I definitely didn't watch that" said Amy.

"Okay. But if we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it my way, all right? First, I'm gonna need to break you down to nothing, and then build you back up piece by piece" said Gina.

"Well, the meeting's tomorrow" Amy said.

"Well, we'll just break you down to nothing and see what time it is" said Gina.

Y/n and Amy began to walk away from Gina's desk.

"Oh, and y/n, can you help me make the slides more interesting? You're really good at designing stuff like this. It would be a great help if you could do that" asked Amy.

"Yeah, sure. I'll do that tonight" you said, smiling.

"Thanks" said Amy.

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