An Appointment

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[Note: All medical conditions mentioned here are fictitious. If you happen to relate to it (as I do) or think are affected by it, it's purely coincidental. 😅]

Doctors: Lifesavers and overall awesome people who do God's work on Earth.

Now you all are wondering why all of a sudden I am talking about doctors. No. No one is dying (except my sanity, which abandoned me long ago when Spock made heart eyes at Capt. Kirk for the first time in Star Trek TOS) however, someone is most definitely going to see our warriors (yes, I am talking about doctors) that too, in a branch that many Asians deem taboo: the department of psychiatry.

Most of you may have guessed already, that it was a particular Zhan, who had in the early hours of the evening, decided to pay a doctor specializing in workings of the mind a visit.

"So, Xiao loushi, how may I help you?" The man in white with a thining tuft of hair to match his robes, inquiries.

"I think I am losing time." Zhan blurts out, then fidgeting with his thumbs, he goes on, "I think that during that time I don't...I am not myself."

"Hum," The doctor bobs his head. "Something tells me that there is more you want to confide in me, but something is stopping you." The intuitive man guesses, "Whatever it is that is bothering you, however inappropriate you think it is, you can tell me. It will never leave this room." The doctor's fingers to do a 'zip my lips and throw away the key' motion.

Zhan leaves a shaky breath, "I think...I have feelings for someone I am going to be working closely with."

"Humm," the old gentleman strokes his chin and picks up his file, "It says here that you are an actor. So I am presuming that it must be a co-actor or someone for the crew."

"My co-actor." Zhan specifies, lowering his eyes as if ashamed. When the doctor continues to hold his silence, he adds, "Doctor, I think the condition started the day I met my co-actor for the first time."

"I am guessing this was the first time you met each other?" The doctor strokes his chin again and is surprised when Zhan shakes his head.

"Actually, when I had not yet forayed into acting, I had met him on another program." Zhan clarifies and purses his lips when he realizes that he had let the forbidden pronoun: 'him' slip.

"Hummm," the doctor doesn't react to the information, "How did you feel about him then?"

Zhan concludes that since he had already admitted that he had feelings for a man, he might as well come clean about everything else. After all, he had made the visit to seek help. What follows is a long monologue about everything he had been feeling, doing, and desiring since he had come in contact with Yibo just days back. After Zhan is done pouring his soul out, the doctor hums again. It reminds him of Lan Zhan, who had a few Mns here and there but had to convince the audience with those limited half-words that he was in love with him, I mean, Wei Ying.

The old man places his elbows on the table and sighs, "I think you are suffering from what we call FTGA. It's a relatively new condition. It usually affects FF-obsessed teens." He goes on to explain its symptoms and reasons for it's manifestation; he ends on a positive note, "It's not serious, which is good news for you. It will resolve by itself once you admit your true feelings to yourself."

"FF teens?" Zhan wonders aloud.

The doctor contemplates for a few, then starts explaining, "Fictional/fantasy obsessed teens; those kids who use fictional characters and scenarios as their anchors to get away from the reality of their lives, which sadly, they feel is too difficult for them to cope with. However, sometimes it's onset may be attributed to denial of feelings over prolonged periods."

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