A 'Hot' Complication

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As much as I want to lecture you guys about a different topic, I am going to continue with the ones I was talking about in my previous chapter.


Simple. Because I can, and because our boys have once again found themselves in a very homo bromantic situation.

*Wait... is homo bromantic a phrase?  If not, it totally should be...I mean, it is so much easier to explain things of homo bromantic nature if there is such a phrase.*

You see, when anyone is in an injured state it is but natural for their stamina to go down.... Stamina... *cough*

What do you mean I was thinking about YiBo and Zhan doing the tango on top of each other!?

Give my brain some credit! *loud cough*

On second thought don't give my brain any credit or benefit of doubt, because truth be told, not only me and you, but my best boy YiBo was also thinking about the tango.

And that my dear friends, was what was scaring the hell out of him.

Why?  Simple.

If at this very moment, FZhan was to demand things from him, it would be very difficult to satisfy him. Especially because my second favorite boy/man Lan Wangji aka the light bearer, likes to do the tango a certain way. And that way would require him to be full of stamina... Which, right at this moment, my boy YiBo is sort of lacking.

What do you mean YiBo can't possibly know how and what of doing Wei Ying...I mean in's and outs of doing Wei Ying...

*Damn it! It sounds dirty any way I put it.*

Moving on.
Yes, YiBo knows what is expected of Lan Wangji...YiBo knows in detail, all the things ....and then some *wink*

Afterall Zhan is not the only one who has read WangXian fanfictions.

Talking about WangXian fanfictions reminds me of one of my favorite books 'You and I belong to each other', by a very talented writer BJYXSZD_905

If you want a good dose of awesome plot with pain, angst, fluff... *smut*, a subtle hint at  XiCheng then you can find what you are looking for in this book.

Okay now let's move on to where a very persistent Wei Ying aka FZhan, is trying to seduce a very hurt Lan Wangji aka my boy YiBo, on the pretext of taking care of him.

FZhan strokes Yibo's face and Yibo leans into the touch.

What do you mean he shouldn't have done that!? Yes, I know he shouldn't have done that, but I mean... can you blame him. He is hurt and in pain and the one he has been crushing on...and possibly is in love with is touching him intimately after pecking him on his lips.

Anyway, soon enough, Yibo realizes his mistake and leans away... reluctantly.

"Hanguang Jun, what is the matter? Why did you lean away?" FZhan observes.

'Fuck!...subtle YiBo, you have to be more subtle with FZhan.' Yibo's mind reminds him.

"Aaaa....Wei Ying, actually...." YiBo starts to say, but at that very moment, FZhan bites his lower lip, and looks at Yibo with a worried look on his face.

And as expected, Yibo's eyes fall on Zhan ge's lips and his brain cells once again get burnt up by Xiao Zhan sun like hotness and become useless.
This leads to him to say something that does more harm, than good.

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