Seduction and Frustration

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What is love, I have often asked myself. I mean, I know what it technically is and what purpose it serves, but the more I think about it, the more it confuses me. But then again, I am not that smart. Added to that is the fact that I am socially awkward and fall in the unromantic category. Unfortunately, this doesn't help, for how can a person who is not aware of the complexities of love attempt to write a love story.

Now you guys (by which, I mean gals, because I am pretty sure not one single boy/man is reading this, but if you are, thank you, and sorry) must be wondering why I am talking about not understanding the meaning of love.

Simple, because this story, as I have mentioned many times now, is a love story about two dumb *Bleep* in love.

We all know how devastatingly handsome a certain Wang Yibo can be, without even intending to do so. Thus, it is but natural for our very level-headed Xiao Zhan to have an intense need to be punished by those long slender fingers, over and over again in different ways, until Zhan is ready.

*Wait! I lost track of what I was about to say.*

Fingers! No! I mean hands, and other parts of YiBo's anatomy *cough*
Anyway, Zhan wants to get punished. But unlike us (who have a lot of ideas about how he can be punished), Zhan is not sure what he wants 🤷‍♀ or how he wants it.

But the problem is that YiBo, for all his talk, has never really punished anyone before. Well, I am sure he has punished lots of people (his existence and my lack of monetary resources to get myself to China is punishment for me), but you know the kind of punishment I am talking about, right? Because had it been anyone else, or had he not been so scared of messing up his relationship with Zhan even before they had begun, my boy probably would have pushed the older man into the sheets and punished him.

*Yes, when I say punish, it means sexy times. Applicable only to this book*

But not only does YiBo have strong feelings for his Gege, he respects him a lot too. So when Zhan unexpectedly agrees to be punished, YiBo's brain refuses to work. When YiBo had very seductively asked Zhan the way he wanted to be punished, he was doing two things:
1. Trying to understand what Zhan wanted.
2. Buying time.
Now, let us start where we left off: with our boys on YiBo's bed, with YiBo leaning into Zhan.

Zhan blinks, 'What the hell am I saying!?' He wonders.
Because the fact was that Zhan absolutely was not ready to come out yet: not to himself and certainly to YiBo. That is when a ridiculous thought comes to him: acting. More specifically, acting gay. After all, they were supposed to be more than just friends. They were supposed to be soulmates, weren't they?

Of course, Zhan was talking about Lan Zhan and Wei Ying.

Zhan definitely wanted to experience the punishment. So he uses his single surviving brain cell - the only one left functioning - for the rest have been exterminated by YiBo's hotness and cups YiBo's face, "Hanguang Jun, what are you waiting for? I am ready to receive my punishment." He teases, batting his long lashes.

YiBo had not expected this turn of events. He had not expected Zhan to turn into FZhan again.

Well, Zhan hadn't turned into FZhan, but that's what YiBo thought, for that's what he had experienced previously.
YiBo's brows crease, 'Oh Noooooo! Not again!' His brain screams in frustration. He wants his Zhan GE back! He was to yell, 'Snap out of it, Zhan GE!' but just when he is about to do that, Zhan leans in and kisses the corner of his lips. "Hanguang Jun, punish me. Please." He whispers breathily.

(Not a typing error)
YiBo thinks, feeling hot. Very hot; this was not how he had planned this conversation to go. He wanted his Zhan GE, but how could he refuse FZhan, when he was practically begging for punishment.

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