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First of all, my apologies because this is a completely misleading title... But in my defense, there is going to be a Call that involves a Boy *insert wink emoji*

The Call

Once his manager leaves, Yibo calms himself down and waits for the news to sink in.
Then he goes to bed without having his dinner.... It's just 5 pm.
The next day his manager comes over again. This time he brings the script.

"YiBo, you are lucky. You don't have many lines... But you have a lot of screen time. You truly lucked out!" The manager says handing over another bound notebook.

YiBo looks through the script and a big smile appears on his face.

"See I told you that you lucked out. You must treat me to dinner." The manager says enthusiastically.

The manager is just like any of us. Free food is always welcome and makes the recipient happy.
Well that is besides the point at the moment because, the manager had misunderstood our boy YiBo.
The reason YiBo had smiled was not because of lack of dialogues, it was actually because he had gone through the script looking for the tag 'WangXian' and there were lots of scenes that had been marked as such.

Yes it's my story and The Creators of CQL are shippers who mark/tag their scripts with their favorite ships... Because the Chinese government isn't going to check their scripts damn it!

Now You See the fact that my boy YiBo picks up the phone immediately once his manager leaves, to call up Xiao Zhan may have something to do with him being an XNine fan boy, but that is not what he tells himself.

YiBo being a cool dude tells himself that it's his duty..his Responsibility... His right... *insert all the cool and important sounding words* to call up Xiao Zhan right the fuck now and congratulate him.
Well at least that is what YiBo tells himself before he dials Xiao Zhan's number.

You see, this has got nothing to do with the fact that YiBo has been feeling like an overzealous puppy since the time he came to know that he will be working with his bias!

Please don't ask me how he got XZ's number. That's a story for another day. Right now the important thing is that the phone is ringing and no one is picking up.

YiBo feels dejected. *my poor boy*
He tries again. And yet again there is no answer. *Someone pls send him comfort hugs*

'Maybe Zhan ge is busy.' YiBo thinks and his face falls.
'Maybe he has not saved your number.' Yibo's brain supplies.

Because sometimes brains can be freaking mean OK!

'I should have just waited for a week.'
YiBo thinks throwing the phone carelessly on the bed and covering his face with a pillow feeling embarrassed.

'Fuck... I called twice...Who does that!...why did I not stop myself... I would have met him personally anyway. ' YiBo sighs into his pillow.

That is precisely when the phone rings.

Yibo picks up without looking at the caller.

"Speak." He says sounding disinterested af*

"Amm. I got two missed calls from this know what..just forget about it. Sorry to..." The voice on the other end speaks hesitantly.

'It's Xiao Zhan... OMFG!!!!. What should I say??? I was so rude to him just now!!! Fuck!' Yibo thinks cursing his decision to speak like a rude jerk.

Us And Them {A YiZhan Fanfiction}✔️Where stories live. Discover now