A Fictional Condition

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Have you heard of a psychological condition called Transient global amnesia?
Well if you have, then let me be very clear that, that is not exactly what Xiao Zhan is suffering from. He is suffering from a fictionalized version of this condition. For sake of convenience let's call it FTGA.

Now you guys are wondering how exactly that works right?
No need to google it. Here is the gist of the fictionalized version.

In this condition, there is a sudden onset of memory loss or confusion. During an episode of FTGA a person is not able to make new memories, he or she maybe disoriented in regard to time and place. During that time it's like they are living in a dream which is real to them.
Sometimes though, he or she maybe come out of this confusion and remember who they actually are during the episode. Even then, they may get confused and think of it as a dream.
These dreams my bare resemblance to the thoughts that are most prominent in his or her mind.

These episodes may occur due to stress, head trauma, physical exertion, emotional distress or psychological stress or sudden immersion in hot or cold water.
Each episode can last from a few minutes to a few hours.
Don't worry though, since this condition resolves on it's own.

In short, Xiao Zhan is suffering from FTGA and when he has an episode, he thinks he is Wei Ying and Yibo is his Lan Zhan.
But as I mentioned earlier, no new memories are created during this time. So whatever he does during these episodes, basically evaporates from his brain when the episode is over.

Now you guys are wondering why does Xiao Zhan think of only sexy times or is extra intimate with Yibo right?
Simple, as I mentioned before, he read a LOT of fan fiction to get proper insight into his character. He had even read some multiple times.
It's up-to your imagination what kind of fan fiction he read on pretext of preparing for his role.

Now on to the story.

"Lan Zhan... Is it proper for a married man to call someone else's name while being embraced by his husband?" Xiao Zhan asks backing the younger man towards a wall.

"Mn?" YiBo asks completely bewildered.

"Hanguang Jun is so cruel to me." Xiao Zhan says when he has completely backed Yibo against the restroom wall.

For those of you who are wondering how Xiao Zhan had looked at Yibo when he had successfully backed the younger man up against the wall, here is a gif to help your imagination.


'Is he method acting again? Is he not upset with me anymore? Is he testing me?' Yibo thinks trying to remove Xiao Zhan's arms from where they are tightly holding his waist

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'Is he method acting again? Is he not upset with me anymore? Is he testing me?' Yibo thinks trying to remove Xiao Zhan's arms from where they are tightly holding his waist.

Xiao Zhan tightens his grip and moves closer.

'Damn it Zhan ge! What do you want from me?' YiBo thinks.
"Wei Ying, please let me go." YiBo says expressionlessly without looking at Xiao Zhan.

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