It's a hetrosexual 'Want'

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Have you heard of a saying that if you want something badly enough, the whole universe tries to help get it for you?
Well Fuck universe. Because it just so happens that the universe is not that kind to our boy Yibo.
Why else would the universe do everything in it's power to mess things up for him on a regular basis when it came to getting his Zhan ge?

Of course Yibo doesn't want Zhan ge..
Please give my boy some credit.. It's a hetrosexual want.

Let's fast forward a week.

*If anyone is interested in the happenings of that week, it's in P. the end of the update... Why? Because it's a post script*

It's their first time........for the scrip reading obviously *i know what you guys though*

Yang Xia, who is one of the producers had asked the cast to meet up for dinner before the first time they had to read the script together.
But as luck would have it, Yibo had missed it, which in turn had led to a series of unfortunate events.

Yes it's my story so please be prepared for lots of unfortunate things. For example the unfortunate way I am writing this fic. You probably didn't sign up for this.. but well... Let's continue.

What had happened then:

Xiao Zhan being the punctual boy that he is, had arrived on time at Yang Xia's house.
In fact, he was the very first one there.
He had planned it that way.

When all the courtesy talks were over Xiao Zhan asked what he had really wanted to.

"Why did you select Wang Yibo to play Lan Zhan?" Zhan had asked trying to make it sound casual.

"The same reason we selected you. He was perfect. And more over MXTX was given the final say in the matter and she thought you would make a good pair. Why?" The producer lady had asked looking curiously at Xiao Zhan.

'Good pair!? With that noodle armed cold Child!' Zhan had thought feeling less than excited.

That was a lie, he was excited af. He just didn't want to admit it to himself.

"Oh nothing. I was just curious. I will work hard...Amm, Jiejie, can I use your restroom please?" Xiao Zhan had asked.

No, he had not wanted to use the restroom. He had just wanted to get away from The producer Jiejie who had been looking at him funny.
And why a restroom? Simple, because it's a perfectly good excuse to get away from an awkward situation.

Once Xiao Zhan had entered the restroom and closed the door he had stood in front of the mirror giving himself a pep talk.
'Zhan you are older, more mature and a cool dude. You are a professional. You must find it in yourself to forgive HIM and try to get along with HIM. He may not be the Lan Zhan you wanted, but he is the one you have been given. You need to think about this professionally!'

With that done, he had walked out.
Lucky for him a few more cast members had arrived by then.

The producer Jiejie had made introductions.

'Everyone seems to be sweet and humble. I am sure one rude person will not matter.' Xiao Zhan had thought while introducing himself.

When everyone had arrived, the producer Jiejie had spoken.

"Now that we have formally been introduced, there are a few things we have decided on which I need to share with you." The producer Jiejie had said authoritatively.

Everyone had turned to her and given her full attention... except one man.

Yes that man was none other than our boy Zhan who had spent the entire evening looking for one Person ... No
Don't get him wrong, he had been interested in meeting everyone, but he had wanted to meet HIM too... Afterall the 'Person' was His.. Lan Zhan.

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