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Some people care about personal space, others... not so much.
Me, I am a little strict when it comes to personal space. It's a minor thing about my personality that most of my friends... three people to be exact, know. And for the most part, they support me and know that I will get offended if they enter my space... My space is my space.

But most of my near and dear once are ok with being touchy and feely....BTW is feely a word... My spell check says that it isn't... But it should be, don't you think?

Now you guys are wondering why the heck am I talking about being touchy!?
Trust me, there is a reason. Now let us continue, where we left of... that is with FZhan's hands on Yibo's glorious behind.
*What do you mean by how do I know that YiBo has a glorious behind! Obviously I have thought about it multiple times.... I mean....not his behind... I have thought about his hips.... I mean... Well, you know what I mean. My boy is a dancer and dancers have shapely bottoms!*

Not that I am thinking about YiBo's bottom... Trust me....ok so you don't trust me on that.. Fine I am thinking about it.*please don't judge me*

Damn it I got distracted again!

So let us move on.

When YiBo feels FZhan's hands on his bottom, he does what any self respecting man, who is also a whooped fan boy would do. He removes FZhan's hands from his shapely bottom and reverses their positions before pinning his hands over his head, "Wei Ying! There is a time and place for everything. Do you know how much trouble I got into with brother for neglecting my duties!" YiBo scolds FZhan.

FZhan blinks several times and hesitantly starts, "But Zewu Jun supports us... "

YiBo doesn't let him finish, "Yes, he does. But does that mean that we should do it everyday at the cost of dissapointing my brother?"

FZhan's face falls. He pouts like a three year old. Yibo's heart screams... Yet he knows that he has to be strong and strict with this personality, or else FZhan will do things....very ungentlemanly things.

YiBo unpins Zhan's hands and steps away, "Tell me Wei Ying?" YiBo urges.
FZhan's eyes fill with tears and his lips quiver.

YiBo's resolve breaks. He pulls FZhan into his arms.

I know what you guys are thinking, why is YiBo not sticking to his plan!? But can you really blame him!? I mean look at this beautiful face!?
You would have to have super human resolve and a heart of stone if you don't melt looking at this beautiful face!

I know what you guys are thinking, why is YiBo not sticking to his plan!? But can you really blame him!? I mean look at this beautiful face!? You would have to have super human resolve and a heart of stone if you don't melt looking at this beautif...

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*Sorry I got carried away 😭*

"Sorry Wei Ying, please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you." YiBo says, making soothing circles on Zhan's back.

"I am sorry Hanguang Jun!" FZhan says returning the embrace.

The two hold each other for a few seconds before reluctantly letting go.

Us And Them {A YiZhan Fanfiction}✔️Where stories live. Discover now