Surrender or Retreat 🤔

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Humans in general don't like to admit that there is something different about them. Though being different from others is not easy, one of the hardest things to do, is admitting that to oneself. So what happens, when there is a need to be accepted... Accepted by the one who means the most, one who matters the most. 

What should one do then? Should one continue to ignore the fact that he or she is different? Or should one admit it, and risk losing what is precious. 

What if there is more at stake than just being accepted? What if the consequences have the power to destroy that, which one has spent years building? 

Now you guys are wondering why I am going on about being different. You may also be wondering are things going to take a turn for the worse?... 

Well, maybe... maybe not 🤷‍♀

But trust me, my ramblings will make sense. 👍

Now, if you guys are thinking, how is it that Zhan has not realized that something is wrong with him, then let me tell you that he knows. He too has noticed that there are things he can not explain. 

Things like: why does his heart beat faster when YiBo is around?; Why did he not like it when the doctor was touching YiBo?; why when YiBo had kissed him just hours ago had his heart thumped?; why had Zhan not been able to remember asking Yibo to do method acting?

 Apart from these, there had been other instances too when Zhan had not been able to remember what he had been doing? All he knew was that things like this had happened, when he was with YiBo, relatively alone. 

Xiao Zhan closes the door and finds Yibo on the floor.

"Bo di, what happened?" The older man asks, helping his bro, *who he is crushing on*, up.

"After Hy.. after Dr. Kim left, I tried to get dressed but tripped over this bag strap," Yibo explains, pointing at the culprit... Xiao Zhan's backpack strap.

"I am sorry, Bo di," Xiao Zhan sits the younger man on the bed, "Does it hurt a lot?"

"No, it's better now." YiBo points at his shoulder and explains, "He said that I need to be careful for the next few days. I must wear the wrap around it for at least four more days."

Zhan takes a deep breath, "I will inform Jiejie."

"Thank you, Zhan ge."

'He is so beautiful....No... I mean yes...I mean no... Damn it, I am fucked!' Zhan gulps, nods, and looks around the room.

'Why is the bed so messy?' He wonders, picking up the shirt and dumping it in the laundry basket. 

 "Zhan ge..." YiBo hesitates before continuing, "Wei Ying, why did you... "

Zhan, in the meanwhile, opens Yibo's wardrobe and pulls out a formal shirt, "A shirt is easier to get in and out of, in your condition." He suggests and assists YiBo in wearing it.

Zhan's brows knit in concentration, for try as he may, he can't remember what he had been doing after the initial awkward conversation with the doctor.

"Bo di, about doctor Kim... how do you know him?" Zhan asks casually, fixing the messy sheets on YiBo's bed. 'Looks like someone played on it.' Zhan concludes.

"Zhan ge, he is my..." YiBo starts to reply when there is a knock on the door.

A flicker of irritation crosses Zhan's features but before Yibo can notice it, it's gone. He turns to YiBo and smiles formally, "I will take care of it. Rest now, YiBo Laushi."

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