Things get 'HARDER'

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What if I tell you that you will meet the person of your dreams and you will be happy for a whole day, but the next day your dream guy/girl will forget you... forget all that he or she did when you were together and all that they felt for when you were with each other.
Would you still want that one beautiful perfect day?

Now that is kinda the predicament that our boy Yibo has found himself in.

He loves Lan Zhan, he loves Wei Ying, he loves that he gets to play a role which incidentally happens to be opposite a very special person *cough* Bae *cough*
But as luck would have it, there is something very wrong with his BAE....Bro... BAE...Bro...
You see, that is precisely the problem. YiBo has no clue whether the man he is attracted to wants him as his BAE or his bro???

The said love interest...I mean bromantic interest... is giving him so many mixed signals that his brain, as well as heart has started to feel confused af!

BTW is Bromantic Interest a phrase? If not, it totally should be... You know to describe a person you want as your bro but with benefits...ok maybe there is a reason that it's not a phase... It sounded so right in my head but it sounded so wrong when I wrote it.

OK so now let's start where we left off.

Xiao Zhan's heart is racing and things are hard.
'WTF! What is wrong with me?' Zhan thinks getting out of bed and walking over to the restroom.

He splashes cold water on his face.

"Snap out of it Xiao Zhan." Zhan says looking at his reflection in the bathroom mirror.

'Please... Just... Please....let me.' The words echo in his mind.

*not a typing error*
Zhan closes his eyes.

He takes off his shirt and stands in front of the mirror.
'What is wrong with me?' He looks below... And yes..things are still hard.

He is about to turn and step into the bath when his eyes are drawn to a blueish mark at the nape of his neck.
"WTF is this?" he thinks touching the mark.
"Isssss... " He winces.

'It's a hickey! But how... When?' Zhan doesn't remember getting it.

Obviously he doesn't remember. How can he? It happened when he was not aware of his surroundings... Of himself.

'I think I should return the favor.' Random words come to his mind as Zhan closes his eyes.

"How did I get this? When did I get this? It was not there yesterday when I left for Xia Jiejie's house." Zhan thinks back.

Zhan's mind travels to YiBo. He remembers how YiBo had challenged him to a kiss. 'Is Zhan Laoshi homophobic?' Yibo's words echo in his mind again.

"Bo di... " Zhan whispers carassing the red mark and his heart starts racing again.
'I am just worried about him. He had a fever... his fever might effect his work. Most of his scenes are with me... It's but natural that I am worried about him.' Zhan tries to convince himself.

Afterall Zhan is a very straight man. It's just not possible that the reason YiBo is popping up in Zhan's mind is because of the fact that Zhan is attracted to him... No freaking way!

'What did I dream about last night... I haven't had a wet dream since college...damnit! I thought I was over such things... Maybe it was a bad decision to look at Yang MI's pics before going to bed.' Zhan thinks still carassing the hickey. A sense of relief floods him when he finally convinces himself that Yang Mi was the cause of the situation he had found himself in.

Us And Them {A YiZhan Fanfiction}✔️Where stories live. Discover now