Going 'Bi.. bi..bi..'

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OK so... remember when I said that YiBo did not give a flying fuck about what anyone though about his sexuality... Ya.... So it turns out that there is one person whose fucks are very important to Wang YiBo.

Sorry, that sounded totally wrong.

What I am trying to say is that our boy Yibo cares what one man thinks about him. That one man was his Bias Xiao Zhan. He doesn't want to freak out his bias by telling him what definitely happened between them a while back.
But what had happened between them had made Yibo very aware of his dormant feelings for his Zhan ge.
Now my boy was in a pickle if sorts.
So please don't blame him for what may or may not happen next.

The ride to the conference hall is totally uneventful as both men are lost in thought....at least at first.

What do you mean there should be awkwardness... Let me tell you that everything was just peachy.

"Zhan ge, did I miss something?" Yibo asks suddenly, dragging a very lost Xiao Zhan out of his confused state of mind.


"What did I miss in the meeting?" YiBo clarifies.

"Ah... that.. We are going to be roommates and you are my...I mean.. you need to... I mean, we are supposed to act like our characters." Xiao Zhan informs.

*Dude what are you saying,...that is not exactly what Xia Jiejie had asked the cast to do*

Let's just presume that, that is what Xiao Zhan had heard, at least when it came to his relationship with a certain Wang YiBo.
Xiao Zhan had been distracted during that whole time, so it's a possibility that he had not understood what Xia Jiejie had meant.

Yibo's eyes open so wide at this that his eyebrows disappear into his hairline.
'We are going to be room mates... I am supposed treat him like my boyfriend!!!!...Wait... is that why Zhan ge called me Lan Zhan and did those 'things' ' YiBo thinks

"I am sorry, that I will have to bother Yibo Laushi like that. I will try my best to be a good roommate." Xiao Zhan adds when no answer or acknowledgement is forthcoming.

"No, It's my pleasure." YiBo blurts out without thinking 'The fuck is wrong with me today!!??'

Xiao Zhan just tilts his head cutely at that and blinks.

'God... Help me. So Fucking cute. I want to jump him here and now.' Yibo thinks and looks away again.

"Is Yibo Laushi hiding something from me?" Xiao Zhan asks rubbing the nape of his neck.

"No. Not at all... Zhan ge, so how long will this arrangement last?" YiBo asks trying to change the subject when his eyes are drawn to the red mark that Zhan's fingers are touching.

'Fuck... Fuck... Fuck!' Yibo thinks before panicking and taking off his jacket and draping it over the older man's shoulders.

"A month." Xiao Zhan answers and leans back towards the car door when he sees Yibo remove his jacket and advance towards him, "What do you think you.. "
Xiao Zhan trails off when he realizes that the younger man is just lending him his jacket.

'The fuck am I thinking... he was just trying to lend me his jacket!... I mean what else could he have done?... It's not like he wants to jump bones... Lol... He is not Lan Zhan... Not really.' Zhan's brain reasons with him.

"Zhan ge... did I startle you? I am sorry... You just hit your head... You looked cold...so..." YiBo doesn't complete his sentence either.
He looks at his hands and blushes.

Us And Them {A YiZhan Fanfiction}✔️Where stories live. Discover now