Shots of Vinegar 😈

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Sometimes I wonder, why anyone would willing choose to read this story.
No.. No.. Don't get me wrong, I 100% appreciate you guys who are actually reading this disaster of a story, and I feel obligated to thank you for your patience.
Patience is a virtue... It's also something most of us, lack...which is closely followed by perseverance, which like patience, most of us lack..
No, no, don't get me wrong. I am not talking about you guys. You guys have a lot of patience and perseverance, why else would you stick with this crazy ass fic, when you could be reading something amazing and beautiful like The 2nd Chance by NatalieTaehyung

Don't worry, I have not written it. So I can assure you that it's freaking awesome.

Ah... I know what you are going to say. You will say that you have already read it. Well good for you then.
See, I told you you guys have patience and perseverance and awesome taste in fan fiction 👍😁

And now you guys are wondering why the heck am I talking about patience and perseverance. After all this is not spiritual book. And you are not wrong. This is definitely not a spiritual book.
In fact, I can not begin to stress how non spiritual this book is.

*Btw is non spiritual even a phrase?. If not, then it should be, right?*

Sorry, I got I just realized that this time the reason for me getting distracted was not YiBo and his glorious naked torso... Fuck... Now I am thinking about it.

Strike that. Apparently, YiBo continues to remain a major source of distraction in my life. I apologize.
But it's not my fault. If anyone is to blame, it's Yibo's parents, his makeup men, his physical trainers, his dietitian *insert all those who are responsible for the way he looks like sex on legs on a daily basis!*

So, as I mentioned before I got distracted, patience and perseverance are qualities, that one of our boys lacks, when it comes to matters of the heart.

That boy, is none other than a certain Xiao Zhan, who has once again found himself in a rather compromising situation.

After coming to a realization that he, a very straight man, may have feelings of non hetrosexual nature for his Co star, Zhan does what any confused bisexual man still trying to ignore that part of him what wants to do a man, would probably do.

He decides to ignore it, for the time being.

"Lan Zhan, we are getting late." He says, walking into the washroom to take care of certain hard situations.

You guys are thinking about hard situations down under right!
How dare you!!!
Come on guys, give my boy some credit, he wants to clear his head is all.

The other hard situation....yes, the one you guys thought as soon as I mentioned hard, had taken care of itself when he had realized that he might be gay for a certain BoDi.

You see, panic can do that.

Anyway, moving on.

Once, inside, Zhan decides to take a cold shower... you know, just in case.

Zhan taking a shower has got nothing to do with my two active brain cells wanting to... *cough*

In the meanwhile, YiBo gets dressed. Thankfully, Zhan comes out fully dressed.

Why thankfully you ask?
Because, if he would have come out in a state of undress it would just have led to more potentially awkward bromantic situations, and that would have effected the shooting schedule... Yes, in case my long winded way of writing has made you forget that this story is indeed about how The Untamed was filmed and not about our boys freaking out about or suppressing, their inner gayness...I mean their bromantic need for the other. *cough*

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