❤The End of 'Them' and Start of 'Us'❤

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[A/N: Mature content. Readers discretion is advised.]

Ok, so I lied, sue me. But I will have you know that you won't get a penny, for I am broke. Now you are wondering (or not) what it is that I lied about, right?

Well, I had told you that I was done with giving life lessons and this chapter will be free of any type of lesson, but as I sat pondering and becoming emotional about how to start the last chapter of this crack fiction, it hit me that there is more that I had to get off my chest. And since this whole book reads like one huge author's note, I might as well stick with that format.

Yes, I am aware that I am rambling. And I am super grateful that you read it (or maybe you didn't, as long as I don't know about it, I should be fine).
In all relationships, what's most important is trust. As long as we trust the other to love us, keep their words and promises, care about us and be faithful to us, we are all set.

Everything else will fall into place once there is trust. Trust and belief are two sides of the same coin. If I believe, I trust and vice versa.
Thus, broken trust is a testament to a broken relationship.

Thankfully, Yibo's trust in his Zhan ge is unwavering. He believes that they can make their relationship work. Zhan, however, is not so sure. I don't blame him; he has his reasons. Moreover, Zhan is more experienced (in life, people). We are not talking about 'that' kind of experience, which I am sure, he has more of that than Yibo.

Moving on.

The men, following Xia Jiejie's instructions, try out different looks and styles. More often than not, sharing the changing room. After all, they were both men who were not at the height of their careers, and the production team was poor as heck as well. So naturally, there was only one changing room.

If this were a romantic hetro story, by now, our OTP would have gotten it on. But since that's not the case, we will just have to make do with sharing the single changing room instead of sharing 'the only' bed available in 'the only' room available on a rainy night in the middle of nowhere.

Sometimes the unfairness of the mainland shows just infuriates me.

Zhan, like a good gege and a true professional, helps Bo di with his costumes. He did not need anyone to know how furious he was with his didi. It was their business, and Zhan was sure it would be resolved behind closed doors of their shared dorm,  that was sooner rather than later, going to see a lot of action. *cough*

After deciding on the final costumes, Yibo can't help but sulk. For, Zhan was being extra professional and not speaking a word that was not costume-related, making the younger man apprehensive. He avoids leaving the studio with Zhan, hanging behind on the pretext of discussing minor details with the producer lady.

"Lover's quarrel?" The young woman asks, throwing a mischievous smirk at Yibo.

"Mn?" The racer quirks his brow.

"I meant, did you two have an argument."

"Ah." Yibo nods distractedly before shaking his head, "No such thing. I think he is just worried how my injury will affect the schedule."

The young producer lady shrugs. If shoulders could talk, hers would scream, 'Could you guys be more obvious 😏.' However, Yibo doesn't catch the drift. He is so far away from 'the drift' that it is a dot to him (high five to those who got this Friends reference).

Us And Them {A YiZhan Fanfiction}✔️Where stories live. Discover now