Realization in The 'Restroom'

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Sometimes we really want to do things or what to have things... And sometimes we know that these things are either not for us or there is no way we can have them, so we try and suppress the urge to want them... You know, to protect ourselves from feeling bad or dejected.... But the truth remains that though we have suppressed these wants and desires, they are still there and behest unknown to us they sometimes make themselves known at the most unfortunate of times... These things that we subconsciously want to do...may therefore cause us to make mistakes or may color our thinking and judgement.

Now you guys are wondering why am I ranting about hidden wants and desires right?
Trust me, there is a reason.

On another note what does getting even mean exactly?
Well... For one, it is definitely does not mean whatever the fuck Zhan thinks it means. Because Zhan's Hetro brain thinks he needs to get back at Yibo for kissing him... I mean teasing him like doing something equally scandalus.

Now let's get back to when our group makes there way inside The Barbecue Palace and sits themselves more or less comfortably.
Aaaa, you are wondering why I didn't just say comfortably right?
Simple, because the seating arrangement was causing some uncomfortableness....especially to our favorite boys.

When the group had entered The Barbecue Palace, there indeed had been lots of beautiful... though a little immodestly dressed girls who had come unnecessarily close to a certain Xiao Zhan.

*I don't blame the girls TBH*

Wang YiBo being the perfect whooped boy in love.... I mean a perfect Bro, that he most definitely is, had tried his level best in putting himself between the said girls and his BAE/Bro.

'Aaaa, what a flirt. He wants all attention on him. He doesn't even want the girls to look at me...such an insecure child!' Xiao Zhan thinks totally misinterpreting Yibo's actions.

Zhan had been wrong on two accounts, for one, YiBo had not wanted Xiao Zhan to took at the girls and not the other way around.
'Zhan ge deserves better than them', Yibo had told himself.
What YiBo had actually meant was, 'I will not let anyone take what's MINE!'

The second thing Gege had gotten wrong was that YiBo had definitely been insecure, but unlike what Zhan had thought, the younger man had been insecure about how Zhan had felt for him. YiBo had definitely not had any insecurities about not being chosen by the skimpily clad women. Whether or not they liked him or picked him was inconsequential to YiBo .

Finally the group sat down.
But... In an attempt to keep Zhan's eyes off of the girls YiBo had missed the chance of sitting next to Zhan.

YiBo had not liked this turn of events.
What was making matters worse was the way one of the girls from the cast, whose name YiBo had forgotten, had sat unnecessarily close to Zhan.

The said girl was touching Zhan ge's hand every chance she got. She had already done it several times on pretence of passing him salt and other condiments once the grill was set up.

'Zhan ge, why are you accepting these touches... Why don't you tell her off.... Why is her touch not bothering you!!!' YiBo was thinking with a sour expression on his face when he feels someone his arm dragging him out of his thoughts.

This hand belonged to yet another female cast member who was currently sitting between him and his gege.

YiBo looks at the girl with a questioning look on his face.

"YiBo Laoshi, I am so glad you were cast as Lan Zhan." The girl says unexpectedly putting her hand on Yibo's.

YiBo immediately pulls it back but gives a courteous smile, "Thank you."

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