Naughty Naughty VERY NAUGHTY

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{Note :- No,  this is not a note for mature content... Unfortunately. But just FYI this chapter is crazy af... So please be prepared for the same...yes, it's going to be crazier than usual.}

Am I a little drunk while typing this chapter....maybe... maybe not. Am I allowed to drink?... I totally am allowed... Should I be writing when I am little drunk?... Well, we will know soon enough.. Lol.

By the way, you guys should totally check out BLACK , The YiZhan fic by eroticfictionauthor if you haven't done so already...It's fucking amazing is what it is. I can guarantee it. Afterall I have not written it... I wish I had... But I have not... I may or may not have read it before typing this chapter. And, NO, she has absolutely no idea that I am going to mention her name here.

My note to Luv
(it's a secret note so please refrain from reading it... Or not)

{Hey... Luv.. *that's what I call her... the author of Black* sorry that I tagged you.. I am not being gay rt now... I just love your book a lot... Not that there is anything wrong with being gay ❤}

It is said that within every person, there resides an angel and a demon. Of course, angel symbolises our good, *insert all the virtues you can think of* deeds and actions.... Demon on the other hand symbolises our dark side... the mischievous side...our naughty side.
And we all try to be angels most of the time... And most of the times we are perfectly good.... *cough*
But sometimes, somethings happen, that make us want to break our own rules and we do. We break our resolutions and we act on our wants... desires... needs.... *cough*
In any case, these deed, actions etc, my dear friends, we convinently blame on the demon in us. And it's correct to a certain extent, because if we don't, we will end up blaming ourselves and make ourselves miserable.
For example, I am on a diet, but there is a very naked... I mean completely exposed chocolate brownie right in front of me... calling to me... begging me to sink my teeth into it's deliciousness and savour it's flavor in my mouth... wanting more... as the bitter sweet flavor assaults my senses and I moan softly wanting more...
*Damn it I got distracted... Just FYI, I was only talking about the chocolate brownie... Not anything else.. I was not thinking about Wang YiBo at all...*Cough*

Now you guys are wondering why the hell am I going on about naughty and nice... it's not Christmas yet and neither am I Santa.
Trust me, you will know soon enough.

Let us start where we left off, that is our boys in an awkward situation.

Zhan's face and tone, turns serious. He tilts his head trying to make sense of what YiBo had just told him. "Yi....Lan Zhan, if it's not too much to ask....? Zhan trails off. 'I don't have the right. We are not that close.' The older man thinks regretfully.

YiBo smirks, "Wei Ying, you are not the kind to shy away from anything...are you?" The younger says, taking a step towards the older.

Zhan's gaze shifts to YiBo's glorious torso *Yes, that is my way of reminding you all the our boy Yibo is indeed shirtless!*
He gulps... he may or may not have salivated a little at the sight of a particularly beautiful piece of art work, that is Yibo's fabulous naked top half.
Zhan finds himself frozen on the spot.
No, it's not that there is glue on the floor and Zhan's feet are stuck.
It's YiBo's gaze, that has Xiao Zhan frozen on the spot. YiBo's gaze is smoldering as they fall on Xiao Zhan's bow shaped full lips.

'Is he looking at my lips.... Nope.. that's just crazy... I mean there is no way in hell that he is looking at....' It is at this moment that Zhan is reminded of the not so bromantic moment that the two had shared just a day prior in the restroom of a reputed restaurant.
He gulps. "Lan... Lan Zhan, it was nothing."

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