'Fanfiction' & 'Bromance'

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Has it ever happened to you that you love a fan fiction so much that you have read it over and over and over again?
In fact you have read it and imagined it so many times that even your brain has a hard time separating canon from fiction?
It has happened to me... A lot.
BTW if anyone out there is a Merthur fan I would highly recommend 'The Student Prince '. Don't worry, I have not written it, so it's actually pretty freaking good.

Now you guys are probably wondering why the heck am I talking about fan fiction...trust me there is a reason.

YiBo, in his very embarrassed and guilty state rushes into the conference hall. He doesn't look back to check if Xiao Zhan is following him.
In fact at this point in time, YiBo wants to be as far away from Zhan as possible.
The first person he bumps into is Xia Jiejie.
"Yibo, where is Zhan?" She asks looking around.
"He will be here soon. Jiejie, where is the reading room?" YiBo says sounding formal.

'I had hoped that they will interact and break the ice before they start the script reading... I guess MXTX was wrong. She was sure that these two will hit it off.' Xia Jiejie thinks directing YiBo to where the others have already settled themselves in.

When Yibo opens the door he sees a huge crowd of incredibly attractive looking people. Both boys and girls look like immoral Gods and Goddesses.

What do you mean YiBo can't find boys attractive!! He is not the one to discriminate.

You see, our boy Yibo had totally not looked at the names or faces mentioned in the script... Well except one name and one face.
So when everyone waves at him he cheerfully, welcoming him into the team...Yibo panicks and just formally bows.

Then his eyes fall on the place cards that have been placed neatly in front of each seat.
'Damnit I will have to sit next to Zhan ge... Should I ask Jiejie to change my place... No. I can't. That would make things weirder!' He curses his luck before taking the chair in front of his name card.

"I don't like him, he looks cold and unapproachable." Jiang Cheng whispers to his A Jie.

I guess it was all for the best since JC is that one character who hates Lan Zhan for stealing his Senior brother away from him.

Oh BTW before I forget, from here on I will use the 'character names' of the actors to refer to the actors....for your convenience obviously....this has got nothing to do with the fact that I am too lazy to remember the names of all the cast members... OK, so now that we have that out of our way we can continue.

Shortly after Yibo takes his place, Xiao Zhan enters and receives a huge round of applause.
And being the perfect gentleman that he is he takes a few seconds to look at each and everyone one and gives them his sweetest smiles.

YiBo may or may not have felt jealous at that.

Once he has acknowledged everyone he looks at Yibo and gives him a shy almost intimate smile before taking a seat next to him.

'Did he just give me a flirtatious smile??? No that can't be... Or maybe he did... We are afterall supposed to act like our characters.' Yibo thinks and nods before looking away from the older man.

'Oh dear... Looks like I hurt his feelings pretty bad. I deserved that cold treatment. I will apologize properly once we get some time alone.' Zhan thinks flipping through pages of his script.

Xia Jiejie arrives at the end followed closely by MXTX.

"You must have seen her during your auditions." Xia Jiejie says pointing at MXTX.
"She is actually the reason for all us being here." Jiejie says before adding, "Guys and girls, I would like to formally introduce you to The author of Grandmaster of demonic cultivation." Xia Jiejie introduces the lady formally.
Everyone looks at the girl behind the successful Novel.
Some look in awe *especially fangirls and fanboys of the novel*
And some smile at her and bow their heads.

Us And Them {A YiZhan Fanfiction}✔️Where stories live. Discover now