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{ Context - Y/n is a neutral force, completing others' quests and errands when necessary. She befriended the Black Mark, only to betray and wipe out half their forces in order to steal back the Mystic Hearts.
[see chapter "The Black Mark" for brief explanation]

Unfortunately, she got the wrong ones...and incurred the wrath of an apex predator. }



Her blood ran cold, a short yelp escaping her throat as a black dagger was flung straight at her head. She narrowly dodged, though the blade nicked one of her ram horns and almost cut the veil covering her face. Soulless white eyes flicked back to stare at the enraged leader across the ballroom.

Even from afar, she could tell there were black smudges under his eyes, mimicking that of running mascara. The leader's elven ears were pinned against his head, rows of fangs bared as he materialized another dagger in his left hand.

"You killed them all, didn't you?!" he growled, clutching the bejeweled weapon. "I knew it. I knew it, I knew iT I KNEW IT! I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE TRUSTED YOU!" He flung the blade at her again, causing her to nearly trip trying to dodge it.

"You scum of the earth-" he hissed, beginning to approach, "I thought I smelled you on the bodies. When I found Bellona, Icarus and Hadeon, I would have expected you to have the decency to leave the child alive..."

She slowly began to back away, intending on running back to the exit. If she had the chance to avoid getting her skull stomped to a pulp by an angry Daedalus, she would take it.

She hit her back on one of the pillars supporting the high ceiling, ivory heels clacking against the tile. Her heart jumped into her throat as he continued, "but no, you killed Enyo too."

Suddenly, he dashed forward, hitting the pillar above her head hard enough to create cracks in the white marble. She could have sworn she heard the familiar crumbling sound you only hear in movies. Though, she didn't have enough time to dwell on that, as he had already thrown his arm back and was reeling back to grab her.

She ducked and bolted to the side, keeping low and scanning for an exit. Her blood ran cold when he screamed, "OH NO YOU DON'T."

The ground beneath her heels suddenly spiked, just enough to cause her to fall forward and slam into the tile face-first, the golden jewelry decorating her horns flying off from the force of impact. As she bounced off the floor, another black spike erupted from below and hit her, this time in the hip, sending her forward yet again. She landed on the back of her neck, upside-down, before rolling and sliding on her stomach.

Blood began to leak from her nose, staining the white veil which used to conceal her identity red, and dripped onto the off-white floor below her hands. She flicked her head up, only to find Daedalus disappearing into the ground in the form of black ichor. Her heart jumped into her throat as she scrambled to her feet, nearly losing balance yet again (stilettos aren't the best shoes to wear while in mortal danger) and staggering back. She noticed the vantablack cracks in the floor below a bit too late.

Clawed hands gripped her biceps hard enough to make her cringe in pain, black nails digging deep into her skin. She began to struggle to no avail, kicking wildly in a weak attempt to shake him off in a panic. Black and dark indigo began to seep into the peripherals of her vision, as the ballroom around her slowly shifted from off-white and ivory to black.

"Did you really think you wouldn't have to face the consequences of your actions?" 


(I was gonna scrap this but I really really wanted to write Daedalus snapping and going into a final boss phase-

unfortunately I ran out of motivation to actually do the fight lmao-)

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