| the den - pt. II |

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[ my fuckign,,,, computer won't let me write on Wattpad or do aNYTHING so this is gonna be rushed and not proofread at all

anyways here's the actual lore of The Den ]


as the legend goes:

'there were seven gods, all ruling over their own biome, symbolizing an animal of ancient fauna.

the god of taiga and fire, the everchanging phoenix, hailed from the isle of everlasting flame.

as the rule of our gods went in those days, all 700 years ago, they were never to elope or interact except to form alliances.

and the god of flame was not a kind one.

at least until the god of stars above, the vulpine creator, caught her eye.

for the very first time in endless millennia, a god broke the sacred oath.

once every several moons, they would converse.

until - '


[ the slamming of a heavy leather book startles the still air of the library ]

"broke the sacred oath? I swore no such thing. I DID no such thing."

[ a low sigh echoes through the bookshelves. the blue-haired figure sets the story, gently, onto the spruce floor ]

"and I was certainly a kind god!"

[ a loud slam of a fist against a side table startles the cat lounging on the carpet ]

"...my dearest apologies, Peri."

[ the figure picks Peri up, setting her on its lap ]

"shall I tell you the truth, instead?"


"it is true that I ruled the isle of everlasting flame, as the changing phoenix.

I was a lower-ranking god. I kept to myself, always busy with developing my biome, while the other gods were busy destroying theirs.

'the drama is fun,' they would say, 'it spices everything up.'

I was cast away as an unkind god due to my hatred of the others' corrupt choices.

all I wished for was peace and simple bartering among my villages and harmony among my fauna. was that far too much to ask?

it didn't seem any of my peers had the same ideals. they would create villages and life solely for the chance to destroy it all. they would tear the animals limb from limb, and leave their souls to wander the lands in unrest.


but...she didn't.

she was the only other one who seemed to never hurt their creation. she was patient and motherly, and saw the brightness in everything.

my galaxy...the vulpine creator, who stole my heart - who caught my eye and greeted me, a mere stranger, with open arms.

she was lovely.

I often wrote to her.

I wished to form an alliance with her.

they wished to corrupt her as well.

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