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You guys wanna see titles/info about the RPG versions of some of my OCs?


Well fuck you here they are-


Colden: Freezing Flames.

-Can be both healer and main DPS (meaning he can deal a shitton of damage-)

-Upon using his ultimate skill, Freezer Burn, he creates a flaming force field around himself, simultaneously healing your team and dealing damage to the enemies in the immediate vicinity.

-The materials needed to level his stats are relatively easy to find, as long as you have characters that can withstand both extremely hot biomes and extremely cold biomes.

-He is resistant to the Frostbite effect, though sensitive to the Heatstroke effect, and will "pass out" (fucking d i e) quickly if the temperature meter gets too high.

-Can be used for both ranged and melee attacks; he can use both a spear and a bow.

-The weapons specifically made for him are the Deepfreeze Spear and the Searing Bow.

-The player gets a special buff against Frostbite and Heatstroke if they equip one of the rarer materials for his set; the bloodstained garnet necklace, which appears on his character after being equipped.

-He's particularly strong against robotic opponents.


Pelletier: Overgrown Sparrow.

-Can be sub DPS (backup if your main guy dies basically), but if you put enough effort into leveling her up, she can be a good main DPS.

-Upon using her ultimate skill, Wrath of Andrus, Pelletier temporarily "freezes" every enemy within the immediate vicinity, swallowing them with vines and overgrowth, while simultaneously dealing small bits of damage.

-Materials needed for her leveling are rather dangerous to get, as you have to get into a ravine filled with poisonous plants and vicious animals. Better hope you have a shield character on your team, you're gonna need them.

-Pelletier receives a buff upon having the Drenched effect, along when around Andrunian Fragments (pieces of broken statues laying around the map).

-After using her ultimate skill, she has the Illness effect for five minutes afterward. Basically, she gets sick after using more than her usual amount of energy.

-Can only be used for ranged attacks, as she mainly uses a bow. Her specific weapon is The Broken Remnant.

-When facing any Celestial boss (Stardancer, Vega and Niamh, Cloudwalker, Ourania, etc), she deals an extra 25% damage with her skill.

-Unfortunately her normal attacks can be a bit slow, as well as her dodging.


Dusk: Tortured Soul.

-Main DPS and healer. Arguably one of the most OP characters ingame, alongside Xena (and Daedalus but we don't talk about him-).

-Upon using his ultimate skill, Through the Veil, he casts your team into a temporary forcefield of sorts, which appears as a "curtain" of fog completely engulfing the character. Enemies outside the veil will grow passive and won't see you, while your team gains a strength and speed buff, able to hit them through the veil without them fighting back.
*Other players will not see you upon using Through the Veil in multiplayer.

-His materials are more dangerous to get, also aside from Xena. But, he receives a strength buff upon equipping the Seraphim Feather charm.

-He'll randomly inflict the Frostbite effect on some enemies, unless in the cold biome.

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