Hamilton-Lawless crack

21 1 7

GalaxyComets556 they're being idiots again-


Dusk: I- don't ever talk to me again.

One of his school friends: ...I just said your dad's kinda hot-

Dusk: stOP I T-


Odessa: ...do I look bi?-

Oreo: Yes.

Odessa: ...I'm not though, right?

Oreo: I dunno.

Dessa, somewhat nervously: I'm real.

Oreo: Real bi.

Dessa: ...possibly-

Dusk, who was watching everything: pff-f-


Charan being introduced to the others: Hi!

Dusk and Oreo:

Charan: ...you guys are terrifying-

*Oreo actually being good with kids/letting Charan help with making sweets*

Charan: You less so.

*Dusk matching his parents in power and literally being able to control the afterlife-*

Charan: you the most-


*Sports festival, with Oreo being way too competitive-*

Oreo at her teammates: Awh, you look so cute sitting there doING ABSOLUTELY, F*CKING N O T H I N G -


Odessa, being 21: bro I f*cking hate being an "adult"- I went to the doctor today, got my blood drawn- lOOK at the bandage they gave me-

*plain-ass medical band-aid*

Odessa: that ain't f*cking Scooby-Doo-



Charan, 15: *pANIC-* HEY-

Avery, aggressively holding a spoon at his face: what do you have to say for yourself-

Charan, awkwardly shuffling to the stairs: I got nothing to say-

Avery: "I got nothing to say" wiTH A MOUTHFUL OF POPPIES- *chases him up the stairs* yOU GOT LOTS TO SAY B R O -


Dusk: So...people are using this filter to detect movement in their house. As you can see- *puts his hand in front of the camera/waves it around, causing the weird trippy effect* -I'm moving. People are using it to detect paranormal activity and sh!t in their house, right?

Dusk: So if you look around my room...there's nothing! We're all good.

Dusk: But th e N - *zooms in on this little white cat figurine on his desk, which is also causing the trippy effect*

Dusk: ...

Dusk: so what does- what does this mean??


*Avery sitting in the middle of a Barnes & Noble parking lot playing electric guitar at 2AM like the cryptid she is*


*insert the doors opening and closing on their own while she's alone in the store*


Oreo: ...can I help you find anything??-


Charan: Why do witches insist on fattening up kids before they eat them? Fat is the grossest part of the meat.

Odessa: "Why hello there little children~ Please follow me to my magical...fITNESS RO O M. NO P A N SI E S ALLOWED BEYOND THIS POINT. LEAVE YOUR WHINING AT THE DOOR BECAUSE IT IS L E G D A Y AND WE'RE ABOUT TO GET R-R-R-RIPPE D"-

Oreo, ignoring her sister: Because they're always cooking said kids in cauldrons and ovens - A.K.A, long cooking times and lower heat. If you do that to fatty meat, the fat melts completely and the meat gets tear-it-apart-with-a-fork soft. If you do that to lean meat, you get tiny sad meat bits that spark no joy.


Simba: Well, you did ask-

Dusk: Also there's wisdom in fattening them up on sweets and other carbs. A meatless, carb-rich diet makes for more tender and flavorful meat.

Herc, who just walked in: you guys are arguing on the semantics oF EATING C H I L D R E N -


Dusk: I'd like to use my ult to violate the Geneva Convention-


Oreo: Guess who just found out the different between wax paper and parchment paper the hard way..!

Dusk: ...what's the difference?

Oreo: One you can use in the oven safely and the other you can also use in the oven if the thing you're trying to make happens to be fire-


Odessa: No longer gonna pursue a career! I'd like to be a rock, thanks-

Dusk, monotone: Metamorphic or igneous.

Odessa: Neither, Dwayne the-


Odessa: I'm not too good at pushups or situps but f*ck ups? Let me tell you-


okay bai-

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