facts/headcanons y ay

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I was gonna post angst headcanons but this is better so


| Tero (Lynette's raven familiar) waited a little over a decade for her to return to the manor they grew up in. the thought that she forgot him never crossed his mind once.

| The only Shier Whia able to overpower Jilaiya is Kozbi. Especially in his Harvester form (which was seen when he was fighting Herc).

| All Shier Whia have some sort of title. Jilaiya is the "Harvestman" - Kozbi is the "Overseer" or "Faceless" - Daeva is the "Weakling", "Runt", or "Golden-Eyed" - and ?>/@ <!(> is known as the "Lantern-Holder" or the "Assistant"

| Duvessa is the mother figure Xena never had. unfortunately, they haven't seen each other in decades, since Duvessa was killed the first time shortly after Xena moved out of the Otiento household at like 17.
Xena has no idea she was revived a long time ago-

| Lynette and Tero both have mementos of each other. Lynette has a plume of raven feathers on her belt + a few gemstones he gave her as a child, while Tero has viper fangs + an old ring infused with summoning magic she used to have.

| Xena is only relearning how to speak due to Lynette. her voice will be nowhere near as strong as it used to be, but she can say more than a few words now :D

| Nightshadow still hunts people for sport. I refuse to elaborate.

| Kozbi is one of the only Shier Whia to not have organic wings/organic way to fly. they engineered their own set of wings out of fabric and magick-infused metal, which allows her to summon and dismiss them on command using one of many rings on her hands.

| Jilaiya only learned how to braid his hair because it was bothering him every time he fought- kept getting caught in his horns and tugging on his wing spikes-

| The reason Alyx's alias is "prince of sapphire" is because upon using his elemental skill, his eyes turn into a deeper, crystal-esque blue with a gemstone pattern in the iris.
on another note, the reason Kineta's alias is "crown of candle flames" is her powers are mostly fire-based, and upon using her talent, she dons a spiky crown of fire that resembles candles.

| Bellatrix makes flower bouquets for her friends for free- like sometimes she'll just quietly leave a batch of fantasy flowers in your favorite colors on your desk/windowsill and never mention it-

| Bela,,, can dance ballet?? somehow?? nobody knows where she got that talent and her story changes every time someone asks

| Bela types in all caps with random punctuation constantly to annoy everyone

| Samael is so broken battle-wise that it took two months for Alyx to figure out how to parry his attacks in sparring-

| Alyx mimics the behavior of his allies sometimes. For example, he and Kineta have the same habit of tilting their head when confused.

| Alyx and Kineta have similar fighting sets - both do a pencil spin on their third attack, both throw & catch their weapon for their first attack, and on their fifth attack they infuse their weapon with their element for a harder last hit.

| Bellatrix and Bela, on the other hand, have completely opposite fighting styles. Trix is gentle, graceful, and almost hesitant. Bela goes all out and aims to kill her enemy as ruthlessly as possible-

| Trix grew her hair to be floor-length because she liked the idea of having a super long braid-

| Surprisingly, Trix doesn't know how to bake - only Bela and Alyx do-

| Trix likes to incorporate flowers, vines, leave etc in her hairstyle sometimes- she also likes having her hair styled by others- it's fun-


anyways that's it-



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