dreams of divinity

16 1 4

"that's enough -"


" - Mitsuaki."

the grass rippled like water, shifting from green to a golden-white hue. the air felt colder than usual.

the lantern-holder tensed, that playful look in bright red eyes fading to realization.

a deep breath was drawn, before exhaling sharply.

the golden spear-head between her horns spun, freezing cold, emitting another pulse of frost.


then the red-eyed let out a sharp gasp, searing pain shooting through his legs, then his sides, then his heart -

"hurts - doesn't it?" came their eerily calm voice.

he choked on his words - the pain had spread, it infected his throat, his eyes, his hands - he couldn't stand.

it only got worse as she got closer, dismissing her lance.


so cold.

his skin felt numb.

pristine white claws grabbed his jaw, and he was forced to look up at the faceless.

she tilted her head, slowly, eerily.

he didn't like how he could feel her eyes - if she even had any - on him. was she studying him?

"I have a deal to make with you."

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