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Jason: Remember what I told you.

Shads: "Don't be a cunt"-

Jase: no-


Joyce: Although I don't know much about you, I have a feeling you're actually some sort of sick, deadly fucker.


Daedalus, softly: who told you-


Jerenei: If you could guess, how many braincells do you have?

Blodwen: Doritos Cool Ranch.


Jerenei: I'm going to assume zero for now-

Blodwen: I love that song-


Jason, trying to comfort Shads for the first time: What's the problem? Anxiety? Low self-esteem? Obsessive thoughts of random arson?? I've been there-


Lynette: I can never give Xena shit because I'm jealous of her. I'll look at her life and say, "sweet, good for her, that's awesome".

Lynette: Meanwhile I look at my life and say, "welp, time to get drunk"-


Citrus: What happened to your nose?!

Birb, bloody and bruised: I used it to break some guy's fist-


Rohan: What was the one thing I told you not to do?

Aaric and Aari: Raise the dead.

Rohan: And just WHAT did you do?

Aaric and Aari: ....raise the dead-


Dusk: ...I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter shows.

Airi: I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts-


Bellona: But seriously, what is the real plan here that has to do with not fucking around?

Daedalus: There is no plan that does not involve fucking around. But we will make sure all of our fucking around will be applied in a constructive direction-


Arakhno: Do you mind if I slyly mention you're single?

Lezabel: Do NOT do that.

Arakhno: You won't even notice!

Monster: *Literally just walks in* H-

Arakhno: Lezabel's single

Lezabel: ...-


Galaxy: I didn't get that drunk last night.

Elly: You flirted with Bird.

Gal: Okay, and? She's my wife.

Elly: You asked if she was single.

Elly: Then cried when she said she wasn't-


Birb: There are three ways to handle a situation; the right way, the wrong way, and the Elly way.

Galaxy: Isn't that the wrong way?

Birb: Yes, but faster and more violent-


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