the golden sun [ Mystic info pt. I ]

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decided to publish the main four Mystics' combat info + some other stuff because yeah.

I'm currently working on bridging the gaps in the current arc's outline, don't worry. I'll be posting short scenarios and chapters regarding the events planned to happen, hopefully in short succession, before this book ends.

anyways, here's Xena.


"heads up-!!"

> picture to be added in near future <

| you unlocked ur+ oc - golden sun |

- basic information -

| full name |
| Xena Aelia Hamilton-Lawless |

| gender & sexuality |
| cis female + demi-heterosexual |

| height + weight |
| 5'0" - 99 lbs |

| voice actress |
| OR3O |


| combat information |

| weapon class |
| multiclass, mains a claymore - main dps |

| elements + talent |
| light + fire + force - falling sun |

| weapons |
| enchanted warblade - claymore
| gilded scales - bow
| sunkissed lance - spear
| burning pages - grimoire

| unique abilities |

| sunny days - in which Xena summons a projectile above her head, shooting a dying star bomb at her target, before jumping back and covering her face. the bomb bounces once, then launches into the air and explodes into hundreds of fire-infused shards, dealing elemental and physical damage to surrounding targets.

| sun's wrath - in which Xena summons (forces) her Deity's power, creating a sun crown, which infuses all of her attacks with the elements of force and fire. for the duration of the sun crown, she deals 80% more raw & elemental damage.

| blinding daggers - in which Xena summons a flurry of light-infused daggers, which hone in on and chase their targets until making contact with them and exploding into burning fragments.

| golden shards - in which Xena summons a larger version of blinding daggers in the form of up to seven or more sun blades, which hone in on and explode upon making contact with their target.

| lucky day - in which Xena infuses all normal attacks with fire + light. after every fourth attack, a mini dying star bomb is deployed, exploding in mid-air. be sure to jump away - even Xena isn't immune to her attacks.

| blazing virtue - in which Xena summons the golden halo, granting her the ability to literally tear through reality and harness her Deity's forgotten magic to eradicate her target. this is used sparingly, as it can backfire and knock her out temporarily. worst case scenario, she tears a hole through her stomach on accident instead.

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