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cryptic angst hcs for ocs except it's not organized and I only did the ones I could think of right off the bat <3



| baxter |

• he's trying. he's trying so hard to be better. he doesn't want to be the villain anymore. he's being good, he's being good, he's being good --

then why is it never enough?

nobody ever notices the good things he tries to do, right?

all they see is when he was a villain, right? all they ever see is his sins, right?
all they see is his hostility and his anger and fire, right?

didn't they forgive him?

didn't they?


| cristoff |

• who is he?

who is he who is he who is he who is he who is he --

he doesn't know anything about himself.

he doesn't remember anything.

is he enough for his family? is he living up to their achievements, their powers, their legacy --

or is he just a nobody who got lucky? a stranger, even to himself? someone who's so annoying, so hyper, so loud --

he doesn't know.

he doesn't know he doesn't know he doesn't know he doesn't know he doesn't know he doesn't KNOW --

is he even a Hamilton?

he's not smart or brave like Harmony.

he's not strong-willed or stubborn like Leo.

he's not kind or generous like Hercules.

he's not diligent like Baxter.

he's not patient like Midnight.

he doesn't have the right to call himself one of them.


| kozbi |

• a powerful being, a creature who withstood the wrath of god-killers, a Deity who still lives on in the body of a monster -

a monster cursed with conscience.

a monster cursed with emotion and regret and memories of a life she isn't familiar with --

who feels so utterly, truly, alone, that she craves everything human.

but she is repulsing - an utterly, truly, repulsing creature, a horrific monstrosity - one who raised hell on different dimensions, who took advantage of her gifts, who was such a violent warmonger who took so many innocent souls --

she doesn't /deserve/ to feel human.



| mitsuaki |

• he feels so wrong.

everything feels so wrong.

is this body even his?

it feels so empty.


| gypsy |

• oh, how she envies them.

those who don't have to fabricate their personalities.

those who don't have to work, constantly, to feel something.

those who don't have to worry about every step they take.

those who don't inject dangerous chemicals into their bloodstream to feel real.

how desperately she wants to be like them.

how desperate, that she will stop at nothing if it means she finally feels right.


| john |

• it doesn't matter.

it doesn't matter that he's trying to be better.

he'll always be a villain --

so what's the point of trying?


| crowe |

• nothing matters.

nothing ever matters.

she's always dissatisfied.


no matter how many times she shapeshifts, tears her skin apart, cuts her hair off --

no matter how many times she tries, tries, tries her best, tries to be perfect --

it never matters in the end.

she always fucks it up.

she always fucks it up it's always her fault she can never do anything right because all she does is hurt everyone else and i hurt everyone i love and what's the POINT?

what's the point of TRYING when all you do is scare and threaten and hurt them and you can't change for shit and why can't i die already.

crowe should just disappear.

shouldn't she?

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