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Today is Sunday and sadly my leave is over, I have to go back to work in two hours and Tyler will be home in an hour, I can't wait for him to get home. Payton has done nothing but cry since he left, she wouldn't stop. I changed her, fed her, burped her, I tried everything I possibly could to make her stop. I think she's used to Tyler but I don't understand how that works because she was with me for a whole month and it was just us. I have a feeling something may be wrong if she doesn't stop, I'll have to take her to the doctors to see what's wrong with her if it's anything at all. It was five when Tyler finally walked through the door, he placed a sweet kiss on my lips before looking at a still crying Payton.

"She's been crying all day, no matter what I did she wouldn't stop."

He looked at her with sweet loving eyes, before picking her up.

"Oh sweetheart, what's the matter?"

She kept crying as he looked at her, before looking in her mouth noticing the painful teeth starting to grow.

"El, go get me one of the teething rings from the refrigerator please?"

I nodded my head walking into the kitchen getting the ring, how could I not notice my baby was in pain? I'm an awful mother, I sighed grabbing the ring before going back to the living room to see my still screaming baby and my husband trying to calm her down, I handed him the ring and stepped away from them.

"Thanks babe."

As he put the ring in Payton's mouth and she wrapped her tiny little fingers around it and the house went silent. Tyler noticed my sad face, and tried to talk to me but I just walked away, getting ready for work, as I was putting on my make-up Tyler walked into my bathroom.

"She's asleep, mind telling me why you look like someone just killed your puppy?"

"I'm a bad mom, she cried all day and I couldn't tell she was in pain."

"No you're not, you just didn't know."

I shook my head at him, grabbing my bag before heading to the living room.

"That's the problem Ty, I should've known and I didn't, I gotta go I have to be at work in five minutes, Ryan will kill me if I'm late. I love you and I'll see you when I get home."

"Okay one your a new mom take it easy on yourself, two who's Ryan? And three I love you more."

I laughed.

"Okay one I will be hard on myself, two Ryan is my boss he's the ass hole who interviewed me, and three I love you most now I gotta go I'll talk to you when I get home."

I gave him a kiss and left the house to go to work, I drove fifteen minutes, and when I got there I ran to the break room to put my things away so I could get out to the floor on time. I walked out of the break room and checked where my tables are as it turns out Ryan and I are the only two that are working tonight. So he has the right side of the restaurant and I have the left, this is gonna suck so bad.

"Hey, are you ready for the dinner rush?"

Ryan asked me out of nowhere I didn't even know he was here yet.

"Yeah, I'm ready, when did you get here?"

He laughed.

"I've been here all day."

The rest of the night was slow, we only had like two tables each, dinner rush my ass, however because we were so dead Ryan and I actually had a lot of fun. We laughed and talked, he asked me a lot of questions about Tyler and Payton, that I was more than happy to answer. I learned about why he hasn't settled down and apparently he likes this one girl but she's not single. He's just gonna stay single till he finds someone who is similar to this girl but I don't think that's possible. I told him about when Tyler and I were separated for a month and he gave me his number saying that if I ever needed a place to stay I could stay with him. I found that really nice, and as the night went on I started to think that maybe I'm the girl he likes, I just hope he knows that it's never gonna happen. When the night was finally reaching its end we cleaned up before I walked out with Ryan close behind.

"Goodnight Elena, it was nice talking to you, I hope things work out with you and Tyler."

"Goodnight Ryan, it was nice talking to you too, and thanks I'll see you Wednesday."

"Yeah, I'll see you then."

I got into my car driving home to my husband and little girl still feeling like a horrible mother, as I pulled into the driveway I sighed seeing that everything in the house was quiet except for a lamp lighting the living room. I put the car in park before walking into the house to see Tyler laying on the couch fast asleep. I went to check on Payton to see her sleeping, she looked so peaceful a wave of sadness came over me and a tear slid down my face. When I turned to leave her Tyler stood behind me, he took my hand leading me across the hall into our room. I changed out of my work clothes and into my night ones, Tyler pulled me onto his lap and kissed my cheek.

"What's wrong baby, tell me?"

I shook my head, I knew he wouldn't understand.

"You won't understand Ty, I'm tired just let me go to bed."

He let out a frustrated sigh releasing me from his hold.

"Alright, goodnight."

"Goodnight Ty, I love you."

That night he didn't say it back, I went to bed feeling sad and alone even though Tyler was holding me in his arms I was a bad mom, and by the way Tyler is acting he doesn't like me much right now. I didn't like these feelings, I wish I could just leave all of my problems behind me but they always come back to bite me in the ass.

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