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It's Saturday now and Liam is home all day, right now we're just laying in bed thinking of what we're gonna do. I do know that I'm tired of dancing, I can't even stand the thought of listening to music, it's that bad. I felt Liam's eyes on the side of my face, I turned looking at him, I had no clue why he was looking at me the way he was with such intensity like he was studying every flaw on my face.

"Liam, are you okay?"

I asked not wanting to sound rude or anything but just being all around curious.

"Yeah, just thinking."


I went to get out of bed but was pulled back into his bare chest.

"Where are you going?"

I just looked at him and then looked down at the bed before looking into his brown eyes.

"I'm gonna leave you to your thoughts, I have to go check on Payton and everything."

"I'm not thinking anything bad especially when I'm looking at you, do you want to know what I was thinking about?"

I looked at him for a second shaking my head telling him silently that I didn't want to know, I didn't really care what he was thinking about it just made me feel self conscious to the point where I wanted some space. He looked at me with an all too serious expression on his face, I went to get up again only to be pulled back to my previous position on the bed. I sighed out of frustration and looked at him, I was getting angry and believe me I didn't want this day to be ruined because Liam wanted to be a jackass so I changed the subject.

"I have an idea, why don't we take Payton to the zoo? It gives us something to do other than dance. Plus it gives her exercise so she sleeps well for us tonight, now let me go and wake her up so we can get ready to go alright?"

Now it was his turn to sigh in frustration but he finally let go of my wrist so I could wake up Payton. I walked down to her room, going over to her sleeping body smiling at how peaceful she looked, I sat down next to her placing a soft kiss on her forehead whispering into her ear.

"Baby girl, it's time to wake up."

She stirred a little before rolling over and looking at me, I gave her a small smile as she sat up looking at me.

"What are we doing today mommy?"

She asked, letting out a small yawn.

"I thought that instead of dancing..."

Her smile fell a small frown appearing on her face, I looked at her before continuing with what I had to say.

"We could go to the zoo."

She stood on her bed jumping around like a mad child, I laughed lightly tackling her to the bed, I began tickling her making her sweet giggle fill the room. It was like nothing I had ever heard before, when I was done tickling her I stood from the bed walking over to her closet. I picked out a pair of jeans and a blue long sleeve shirt to match since it was still kinda cold outside, for her shoes I chose a pair of black converse with blue socks. When she was dressed I brushed out her tangled and messy reddish brown hair, tying it up into a high ponytail. When I was done I left her to play in her room until I was done getting ready, I walked into the bedroom and saw that Liam was already getting dressed. I walked over to the dresser pulling out a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, a black long sleeve shirt with my galaxy fleece and black uggs. I got dressed walking down the hall to brush out my hair putting it up into a messy bun on the top of my head. I put on a layer of eyeliner and mascara before walking out of the bathroom, I packed a backpack with snacks and drinks so we wouldn't have to buy anything at the zoo. I finished packing before heading back to Payton's room, I opened the door to see Liam and Payton sitting on the floor doing a puzzle, it saddened me when I had to ruin their fun.

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