I just need a hug.. {V.d.A}

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"I look at her and my head is off
My heart begins pounding in my chest, butterflies all around my stomach
Happiness spreading into my heart, making it smile"
~me about vic

{Not spell checked}

Warnings: panic attack, fluff

PoV Ava

I was in Italy, alone for vacation.
I just needed to get away from everything and everyone.
Yes, my mother does know where I am, but well she doesn't really care.
She booked me a hotel and stuff, brought me to the airport, said goodbye and left.
I'm here since I think 5 days, and I'm gonna stay for a bit longer.
None of my family members really care how I am or where I am, so it'll be no problem.
I've been having panic attacks for some time, and now i don't even have my best friend, Jake
He's in a clinic because of his mental health and I miss him so much.
I miss him every single day, since 5 months.
And I text him every day, so he knows I'm Still alive.
The reason why I am still here? Simple.
A band, called Måneskin.
Especially the bassist, Vic.
Oh I love her. I live for her.
Shes amazing and she's been pulling me out of that damn black hole every day.
Shes the reason my heart can heal and smile.
I wish I could tell her.
But enough of me now.

It's currently like 10pm here, and it's not entirely dark, but the sun is almost gone.
I'm sitting at a street, no people are around me.
Wonder why tho.
I hear music, not very loud, seems to come from a bit further away.
I started having a panic attack a few minutes ago so I say down here to calm down a bit.
I was sweating like hell, shaking and I tried to breathe as if my life depended on it.
It probably did.
I wasn't able to breathe properly, so I took my phone out.
I decided to make a voice message for Jake, as an attempt to calm me down
"Jakw.. I need you.. I can't do this right now. I'm having panic, I just thought about everything and now I'm sitting at a street in Italy.
I think about listening to Måneskin since they calm me down.. otherwise, I don't know what to do.. I just need a hug.. if possible, from Vic.. you know how much I love her.. I wish I could tell her how much she means to me, and how much I just want to hug her..
I love you Jake.. "

PoV Vic

I was walking down the streets of Italy with Damiano, Ethan und Thomas, just playing some music and singing.
It was a real fun evening.
The four of us went out to get some food and then decided to stay outside.
We were just joking around as I heard crying down the street.
It was a girl, she seemed to have a panic attack or something
I know how that feels, I have those too.
It's really not a great feeling, believe me.
Just then I felt Damiano nudging me
"Hey Vic, you okey?"
"Yeah, no.. theres this girl, you see her? She seems to have a panic attack. Can we go to her?" I asked, looking at him.
He immediately nodded and we got closer to her.
"...I just need a hug.. if possible, from Vic.. you know how much I love her.. I wish I could tell her how much she means to me, and how much I just want to hug her..I love you Jake.. " was the last thing I heard before she broke down into sobs again, starting to play our song "Torna a casa"
I looked at my friends, telling them to stay here just by a look.
They understood and I walked over to the girl.
"Hey doll" I said slightly.
She flinched by the sudden sound of someone talking to her and looked up.
Her eyes widened and she immediately wiped her tears. Instead of stopping, there were just more tears.
I crouched down in front of her
"Panic attack?" I just asked and she nodded.
"what's your name doll? U wanna tell me?" I asked and she whispered
"That's a really beautiful name. Fitting for a beautiful girl. I'm Vic" I smiled and she slightly blushed.
"Thank you.. but you're way more beautiful.." she said and I took her hand in mine.
"Is that okey for you?" I asked, motioning to our hands.
She just nodded.
Then I sat down next to her, pulling her into a hug as she started crying again
"Shh.. hun, it's okey, let it out" I whispered into her ear.
After some time, she stopped and pulled away from the hug.
"Thank you.. I needed that.. so much" Ava said.
"I know. I heard you crying along the street and we came closer. I heard you talking to your.. friend?" I smiled
"Best friend.. he's been in a clinic for 5 months.. and now I don't have anyone to talk about my problems.. the only thing that actually helps me, is your music. Mostly you.. your smile makes my heart smile and stitches up my inner wounds.. sounds dumb, I know.." she said slightly chuckling.
"Doll, nothing sounds dumb. That's incredibly sweet, but also very sad. But I'm glad I can help you. Do you live here?" I asked.
"Nope, I'm on vacation, needed to get away from everything and everyone.." she replied with a sad smile.
"Life's been rough, huh? How long are you staying?"
"Don't know, mom doesn't care, neither does the rest of my family.. so as long as I have somewhere to stay, I can stay here I guess" she said.
"Hmm.. I'm sorry to hear that.. with your mother I mean.." I replied sadly.
"You have no fault in that, you don't have to say sorry" she smiled at me.
I took her hand again, looking over to Ethan, Damiano and Thomas.
I nodded my head for them to come.
Damiano immediately crouched down in front of Ava as I squeezed her hand.
"Hey doll, what's up?" Dam said with a reassuring smile.
"Hi.. you guys.." she replied very shyly.
I nudged her.
"Aww, your shy, thats sweet. But don't worry, they don't bite" I chuckled and she smiled at my comment.
"You wanna come with us maybe? I don't want you to be alone at night in a city and country you probably don't know" I asked, looking at my friends.
They nodded at Ava and she thought for a bit.
"That's kind.. but I don't want to be a burden or anything.." she mumbled.
"Doll, you're not a burden, you seem pretty cool, and we love cool people" Ethan said smiling.
"Agreed" Thomas added.
Ava looked at Damiano, then at me.
"You're sure about it? I mean, you don't even know me"
"That's fine, you sometimes have to take risks..and doll? You don't seem like you could do anything. No offense, you just look too cute" Damiano smiled.
"None taken, thanks you" she chuckled.
Oh damn, that was my new favorite sound.
"Then let's go" Damiano said and helped me up.
Then I pulled Ava up and Damiano ruffled through her hair, which made her giggle.
"My precious hair" she fake whined and we laughed.
"Welcome to the gang, Doll" I whispered as we continued our way throug the streets of Italy, still holding hands

Hope u liked this<3
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Love you guys<3

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