365 Messages for her {V.d.A}

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"Love is as beautiful but as painful as a rose. The rose itself is great, but it's thorns can make you bleed, just as love can make your heart bleed. But there's good in it. You hurt yourself on the thorns  and you may or may not do the same mistake again"

Warnings: fluff lol

PoV Coraline

Today was the 28 April 2022.
My 365th message for her.
Yes, I started one damn year ago, texting her.
Who, you might wonder.
Let me tell you.
Shes as beautiful as a Greek goddess. She has blonde long hair, sweet bangs and ocean blue eyes, which capture me every time.
You might know her as Victoria de Angelis.
Yes, the Vic, from the Italian band Måneskin.
I've loved them since the first moment  and believe me when I say, that they deserved to win the Eurovision Song Contest more than anyone else.
Vic immediately captured me, as she played her bass solo.
Because damn, it was steaming hot.
Just as her.

And yeah, back to the topic.
I texted her every day. Mostly every evening.
It was simple things like
"Hope you had a great day; never lose your smile" and so on.
Of course, I never expected her to respond.
I'm just a fan amongst thousands, if not millions of others.
She gets tons of dms every day probably.

So, as I said, today was the "one year anniversary" of me texting her cute things.
I wrote
"Hey Lovely<3
I hope you had a great day, and I really hope others got to see your beautiful smile or hear your beautiful laugh. You're an amazing human, and even if you don't know, you mean the world to me. You've done so much, you've helped me without even knowing I exist. Ti amo Vic<3"

Then I read it again for spelling mistakes and sent it to her.
After that, I turned my music box on, since I was alone at home because my father and his wife (she's not my mom, but stepmother sounds shitty) we're out with our dog  Bounty.
I currently had summer holidays, and I was spending them at my dad's.
I turned on my Måneskin Playlist, and basically sand and danced to every song.
Especially to "Zitto e bouni"; "Are you ready?" and "New Song".
Those were actually my favorites, so I knew the lyrics. Yes, even the Italian lyrics, although it was difficult to learn them xD.
Just as my dad and Lia (his wife) parked in the driveway, my phone dinged.
I thought it was just one of my friends, so I just looked at it.
What I saw, made me choke on my own spit. And I may started crying a bit.
Dad and Lia came in, immediately asking what's wrong.
I couldn't get a sentence out, so I stuttered
"Vic.. Måneskin.. message" I german, since well, I was German if I forgot to mention.
They looked at me confused as I opened instagram and went to my DM's.
Victoria de Angelis actually replied?
That's the best day of my life!
Little didn't I know, that it could get any better, as I clicked on the chat.

*insert number* ♥️

That's it.
That was the message.
Was it actually her phone number or..?
I decided to save her number into my phone and to text her.

Ciao Vic, I was wondering why you texted me your number? By the way  I'm Coraline. .

Ciao Coraline! It's a very simple reason actually.
I've been reading your messages every day, but I wasnt able to respond due to the amount of messages I get every day.. but I thought your messages are very cute, I decided to give you my number, so I could respond to your messages;)

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