Deathly Sins (Marilyn Thornhill)

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Sky is Enids older sister who is in love and in a relationship with our beloved Marilyn Thornhill.

This Oneshot will contain Spoilers of the show Wednesday, so if you havent seen the whole show, i recommend you dont read this.

TW: uhm, talk of wounds and blood?

PoV Sky:

"Hey Sky, tonight is a full moon, youre gonna be out?" My roommate Bianca asked me while we sat in our dorm room. "Yes, i havent wolfed out the past weeks and its really getting a bit difficult the longer i keep it in." I said with a small smile, combing through my hair. Funfact? My hair was somehow black and white, i was born with it. And so my fur as a werewolf was also black and white. It looked hella cool, and basically everyone knew how it looked like. "Okey, but stay save, yes? The Rave'N is in three days and i dont want my best friend missing it" Bianca laughed and threw a pillow at me. I giggled and threw it back, promising id take of myself, i always did.

Third PoV:

It got later and therefore also darker. Sky got ready. Bianca was out with a few friends of hers and so Sky went downstairs. Of course, Principal Weems didnt like her students out in the night, especially since Rowan had died only a few weeks ago. Yet she also knew, that her Werewolf students needed to wolf out at least once a month. Shed set a "barrier" on how far the students could go and Sky was totally fine with it.

Sky got out, looking around the school yard. Everything was dark, only a few students were out. They greeted Sky and she waved back. Carefully she went to the forest, clearly seeing the beautiful full moon above her head. Sky slowly felt her human body turn into an animalistic one. It tickled, but it never hurt. Her hands grew into strong arms and paws, her legs and feet into paws and strong legs. Her back stretched out and turned into a tail and on her body there grew fur.

Sky finally felt like herself again. With big jumps she made her way through the forest, howling into the night. The forest was her second home, she had spent so many nights out here. No matter if she was upset, angry or just wanted to be alone, this was her favorite place. She also loved taking long walks through the forest on the day, when it was raining. Sky loved rain and how the rain droplets felt on her skin, or fur. The cold of the rain never disturbed her. She just loved it.

As she was thinking about the rain, she started feeling the wetness of the drops on her fur. Happily, she shook herself, walking further into the woods. Sky never went further than principal Weems' barrier, but she also used every space she could, to run around.

When she had reached her favorite spot, a part of the forest with a rather large rock and a great view into the night sky, she jumped onto the rock, looking into the moon. Its light was shining brightly, dipping the forest into a beautiful, gloomy light. Soon, she started howling. Howling into the night, onto the moon.

Little did she know, that her howling would attract someones, or rather somethings attention. Not far away, she heard the leave rustling and a somehow heavy breathing. It wasnt the wind that made the leaves rustle, it was something. Sky looked around, seeing a tall, and yet crouched down shadow in the woods. It couldve been about 30 ft. A little worried about what the thing might be, and what it was doing near the school, she decided to approach it silently.

Sky went down from the rock, always keeping an eye on the creature. It didnt seem to move and so sky got closer and closer. Until she suddenly stepped on a branch, making it crack. The creature turned around in a haste, looking at sky through its big eyes.

Sky gasped in shock but immediately jumped away when the monster lunged towards her. Still, the monster landed a hit and scratched a bit of her shoulder. In pain, Sky landed behind the thing and bared her sharp teeth at the thing. This time, she was ready when it attacked her and started fighting against it. Sky used her sharp claws to wound the monster, her teeth to bite it and her coordination to escape its attacks. Sadly, the Monster also landed some good hits, tearing Skys flesh in her face with its claws. She felt the blood dripping i through her fur, but she wasnt gonna give up.

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