Touch me⚠️ {V.d.A}

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"Watch me, touch me, kiss me, lick me" she said with a smug grin

Warnings: smut, smut and more smut, use of toys, orgasm denial, mommy kink

I'm sorry if I sound too "not interested" in writing this. I really wanna do, but I need to keep it a little shorter since my wrist is injured

PoV: nobody

Marlena was out with Victoria, her girlfriend and the bassist from Måneskin.
They've been friends for a long time, since Marlena was the photographer of the rock band.
They've been together for about 3 years now, and they were in the happiest relationship.

Right now they were in germany, because they had a concert in Berlin.
The concert was a lot of fun, and also really successful. They raised a lot of money, since it was a charity event. It was a really fun evening, Damiano and thomas went crowd diving again while Vic only had eyes fot her sweet girlfriend. Right now, it was around 5pm, not dark yet but the sun started to go down (just like vic on marlena, cough).

They were holding hands, here and there taking pictures with some fans who approached them, looking through the capital of germany. It was a beautiful evening, and it was calm. "Baby, look!" Vic said with a smile in her face, pointing to a photo booth box thing. "Yes! lets go take soome cute pics, amore" Marlena answered with a huge smile. Vic pulled her girlfriend to the box, sitting down on the small stool thing and placing Lena on her lap. The pics turned out really pretty, but the horny ass of vic started to get quite touchy. as they kept taking pics, Vic started to guide her girlfriends body on her own. "You horny ass!" Lena laughed as Vic started kissing lenas neck. "Admit it, you like it." She grinned.

Vic guided her kisses further down Marlenas neck, sucking on parts she knew made lena melt in no time. and she was right. The second she started biting the flesh right under lenas ear, a small moan escaped Marlenas lips. "Told you" vic chuckled as her hand wandered over Lenas thighs, edging closer to her core. Slowly, she let a finger glide over lenas panties, feeling a wet spot on it. "Hmm, youre so wet for me, huh?" Vic asked. Lena, woth er eyes closed, only nodded, grinding on vics lap, trying to gain the friction that she needed so badly. "Uh uh Puppy, stop that and open your eyes, look at me" Vic sai, moving lenas head so she had to look at her. Vic placed a kiss on lenas lips, pushing two fingers in without a warning. A moan escaped Lenas lips and she tried to stiffle it with a cough since they still were in public. "Be quiet for mommy, will you? And dont you dare cumming without my permision, puppy" Vic said with her raspy hot voice, looking at Lena with a slight glare.

Vic moved her fingers faster as Lena grinded on her fingers, Vics other hand squeezing her tits ever so slightly.

Soon enough the blonde felt Marlenas walls clenching around her fingers, knowing she was close to her release. "Remember my rule: no cumming without permission puppy" Vic whispered into her girlfriends ear, biting her earlobe.

Vic moved her fingers faster and Lena moaned out a "Please mommy, im gonna cum"

"No, hold it in a little longer, puppy, be a good girl" Vic said as she curled her fingers agaiinst lenas g-spot.

"Fucking shit, i cant, please i need to-" Lena cut herself off as the awaited orgasm washed over her, squirting her liquids onto vics fingers.

A devilish grin appeared on the bassists lips, knowing what would come next for Marlena. without saying anything, she pulled her fingers out and licked them clean, pushing her girlfriend off of her lap and taking the photos which they had made.

With red flushed cheeks, marlena got out of the photo box, looking down onto the ground. "Im sorry for not obeying your rule, mommy.." she said shyly.

"Its okey puppy, you just know the consequenses, right?" vic replied, taking her girlfriends hand and leading her back to thei hotel. "Answer me, puppy. or have i taken your words?" vic asked again. "Yeah, i am sorry. i know the consequences" the brunette said.

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