Sick days {V.d.A}

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"Babe I'm not feeling well.. can we stay home..?"

Warnings: talking of vomit

PoV Marlena

I woke up early this morning. Or rather tonight, it was about 3 am due to major pain in my stomach.
Careful not to wake up my girlfriend, Victoria, who was deeply asleep next to me, I stood up and went to the bathroom.
Then I crouched down infront the toilet to get everything out that I ate yesterday.
After I finished, I flushed and stood up with shaky legs, blushing my teeth and looking at myself in the mirror.
My face was paler than usual and my eyes were a little reddened.
Also I felt weak, so I went back to bed and layed down next to Vic, who crunched her nose up cutely in her sleep.
I was very cold, so I cuddled into the side of my loving girlfriend to warm myself.
So I fell asleep once again, shivering because of the cold.

As I woke up again, I felt someone touching my forehead.
"Baby, you're hot!" My girlfriend said.
"Yeah, I know, you make sure of that often" i grinned tired.
"It's not what I meant, your forehead is burning, are you sick?" She asked worried.
I kind of made a mix between nodding and shaking my head and Vic pulled me closer.
"You left the bed earlier, why?" Vic kept asking.
"I threw up because my stomach was, and is still, hurting like hell.." I mumbled.
"Oh Baby, why didn't you wake me up?"
"You slept so cute, Amore. I didnt want to wake you up" I said.
"Aww, you're so sweet. But you don't feel well, Babe" she said while kissing my forehead.
I felt my stomach grumble so I stood up and went to the bathroom once again.
I crouched down, throwing up while I felt someone put my hair back and rubbing my back.
"Shhh, it's okey, let it out Baby" Vic reassured me.

After I finished, Vic helped me up and helped me brush my teeth.
Then we went back to bed and Vic laid me down.
"I'll bring you a pain killer and a hot water bottle to sooth the pain yeah?" Vic asked and I nodded.
She quickly went to the kitchen as I squirmed in the bed because of the pain.
I didn't know how to lay, I didn't need a blanket but kinda did because one time I was hot and one time I was really cold.
I just sat down, throwing my hands around my body.
Vic came back with a glass of water and a pill in one hand and a hot water bottle in the other one.
She came over, handed the glass to me and gave me the painkiller and I immediately took it, swallowing the pill.
Vic pulled a hoodie and a t-shirt from her out of the closet and since I was warm right now, she removed my shirt and replaced it with her own.
It had her smell on it, and so did the hoodie, which immediately made me feel a bit better.
Then Vic layed down next to me,  pulling me close.
I laid my head on her chest and she placed her hand on my stomach, rubbing it in small circles, right next to the hot water bottle.
"You wanna watch a movie, Amore?" Vic asked with a soothing, low voice.
She knew, that if I felt sick, I didn't like it when people were to loud.
I nodded and Vic turned on Disney+, switching to the original Disney movies.
She knew, I loved Beauty and the Beast, and put it on.
We started watching it, her always rubbing my stomach.

Halfway through the movie, her phone suddenly rang.
"Damiano? What do you want?" Vic asked slightly annoyed.
He said something, which I didn't understand.
"I can't, I don't have time today. Lena is sick, and I'm not gonna leave her alone" she said.
He again said something.
"Damiano, really I'd love to, but I won't leave my sick girlfriend alone! Hug Thommy and Edgar and tell them I love them. I'll be back as soon as Lena is feeling better" Vic said then.
"Yeah, I love you, Dami, byee" she said good bye to him, putting her phone on the nightstand.

"You can go if you want, Babe" I said slightly.
"Amore, no. I won't leave you here while you are sick like this." She said, her voice leaving no space for arguments.
I just layed my head back on my girlfriends chest, her hand finding its way back to my stomach.
"Ti amo, Amore" I whispered before closing my eye, falling back asleep.
"I love you too, Baby. So much. Now get well soon, Love" Vic whispered back, placing a kiss on my head.

Ti amo everyone♡
This one is just a little fluff bc I felt like that yesterday haha♡

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