Forbidden Love (teacherxstudent)

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OC!teacher- Ms. Harper Angel

We stan forbidden love, dont we?

Warnings: maybe some swearing?

PoV Y/n:

It was 10:30 am, i was in class with my best friend Shax and we were.. excited to say the least. We had a lesson with Ms. Angel, our favorite teacher, now and we legit freaked about that each damn time.

I had this HUGE crush on her ever since she came to our school and shes been giving me so many mixed signals. We have eye contact so often, its not normal anymore. And her eyes? A dream..

I sighed as the door closed, signaling that Ms. Angel came in. She looked stunning as always. Wearing a maroon jacket, vans, a grey shirt and black pants. shes just so urgh. gay panic excuse me.

Shax and I looked at each other, grinning because we read each others minds. That woman was straight in NO way. i mean hello, the way she dresses? the way she acts? Nothing about that woman is straight, except for maybe her grades to become a teacher.

The lesson started. She went full on teaching about things i normally would never find interesting. But with her? everything seems worth learning. Before, i never thought i would be so into going to school. I always had my difficulties with that, but Ms. Angel makes it so easy. She takes away this anxiety and reassures me every time, no matter what. I am really grateful for this woman. She kinda fixed a part I never thought had to be fixed. I am also always super sad when her lessons end. Often, we have little convos about the most different subjects and it always makes me smile. When its her last lesson with us before the weekend, im even more sad because then it takes days until i see her again!

Which is in fact the case today. Its Friday and we will only see her again on Monday. okok i get it, its not that much of a time span but still.. when you like someone, two days feel like eternity! Especially because her lessons always fly by way too fast!

Just like this lesson. Its our last one for the day and then its the weekend. Its actually gonna be quite nice maybe because the weather will be nice and i can go out with my camera. Long walks will take my mind off of Ms. Angel too, which will be good.

"What are your plans for the weekend guys?" Ms. Angel asked in just that moment. Did she read my mind or what? Looking up at her, i caught her staring at me. I blushed and looked over to Shax. Ms. Angel talked to some people and then i heard her say: "Y/n, what are you doing?" with a smile. "I uhm.. I will probably go for a walk and take my camera" I replied. She nodded with a smile and a small wink which made my heart speed up yet again. Those fucking winks are getting the best of me and its really not fair.

Internally, I groaned and screamed when she said we could pack our things and leave into the weekend. "Y/n can you stay real quick? I need to talk to you" Ms. Angel asked me and I looked at Shax. He nodded and grinned as he shouldered his bag, giving me a quick hug and then he left.

"What did you wanna talk about, Ms?" I asked, leaning against my table. "Well uhm.. this may not be super professional, but i wanted to asked if you had wanted to take some photos of Amelia, my aussie? I kinda want new photos of her and maybe her and me and i know how good your photography is so.. would you be up for that? if not, thats absolutely fine too!" She asked me, blushing a litte. "What? Yes oh my god i would love to! I havent really done dog or human photography in a while and i really wanted to do so again! So thank you for givin me this chance" I smiled widely at her,

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