365 Messages for her Pt. 2 {V.d.A}

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"I love you, even though I'd never be able to tell you. You've fixed my inner wounds without even knowing who I am"

Warnings: none I guess

PoV Coraline

I've been texting with Vic for a couple weeks, months even probably.
We've became very close and we talk about everything.
I may have been developing a small, or rather big crush on Vic.
I mean, she's gorgeous.
She always helps me she talks to me, listens to me. We can laugh together and she never fails to make me happy.
We've been calling everyday, even if its just for 10 minutes.
She makes sure that I eat enough since she knows about my struggles with food and stuff.
I'm so happy to know her.
And I really wish to meet her one day.

PoV Vic

Ive been talking to Coraline for some months now.
Shes so sweet and never fails to make me smile.
I know I can be honest with her and that I can trust her with everything.
She still texts me every evening, just like she did on Instagram.
We are actually on the phone right now, just like every evening.

"Ciao Bellezza! How are you?" I ask her and she slightly blushes at the name.
"Ciao Gorgeous! How are you?" She asked in Italian, since I've teached her a bit.
"I'm great! How about you?" I smiled.
"I'm glad about that. Im good too, just finally wanting to hug you" Coraline replied with a small pout.
"I know, Bellezza.. me too.. some day, I promise" I said with a reassuring smile.
She smiled too and we kept talking for about an hour.
Just then, Damiano texted me.

"Bellezza I'm so sorry about this, but I gotta go. Dami wants me in the studio" I said sadly.
"Oh.. Okey.. have fun, and hug the guys from me" she said a little sad but trying to hide it.
"Will do, love you!" I said before hanging up.
It was so hurtful, seeing her like that but I knew that it was worth it.
I've been planing this for a few weeks with the help of Dami, Thomas and Ethan and since we wouldn't have any concerts the next 4 weeks, it'd be finally possible.
She was still at her dad's, so I spoke with him and his wife, Lia and it was okey for them too.

"Chili! Come here Babygirl!" I yelled and my dog immediately ran to me.
I put her on the leash, put my shoes on and took my luggage.
Then I texted Dami.

Ciao Dami, I'm ready now, u gotta pick me up?

Already here, Come out, Vincenzo!

I laughed at his message, took Chili, my keys and left my apartment after I checked that I had everything.
Dami was for sure already waiting so I went to his car, put my luggage into the trunk and got in myself with Chili on my lap.
"Ciao Dami! Thank you for picking me up and doing this!" I said while giving him a hug.
"No problem Vic! I'm excited, and so are you probably too!" He said with a smile.
"Oh believe me, I am! What if she doenst like it?" I said worried.
"Vic, please. By what you tell me every day, she clearly likes you!" He replied.
I nodded and we started to drive to the airport.
We'd meet Thomas and Ethan there, since they've already well, are there.
Dami put on some music and I started singing to our song "Morirò da re"
Dami laughed and sang along too.
It was a fun ride until we arrived.
We parked and both got out.
I let Chili pee a last time before I had to.put her into her traveling case thing.
Normally I'd leave her with Nica, my sister but since Cora was wanting to meet her too, I decided to take her too.

Dami handed my my luggage and we went into the airport, meeting Thomas and Ethan.
As we made our way to the check in thing, we made some photos with fans and talked to them a bit.
We waited until it was announced that we could go into the plane and then all went in.
I had a got spot. I was sitting next to the window, on my right was Ethan.
He was mostly the calmest of all of us and he helped me calm down.
I loved flying, but I was still nervous about Coraline.
The plane started and I was nervously looking out of the window.
Then I felt a hand grabbing my arm, and I looked to the side.
"Calm down Vic. She'll love the surprise, I promise" Ethan reassured me with his calm voice.
"Thank you Ethan. Really" I smiled at him.
"No problem Vic. Try to sleep a bit, it'll help you calm down" he told me and I nodded.
I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

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