there's a first time for everything{V.d.A}⚠️

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"I love you, I will never hurt you"

Warnings: smut, fluff

Not spell checked

PoV Marlena

Today's September 11th, my birthday.
I'm gonna be 21 today.
I absolutely don't wanna do anything, I just want to chill with my friends and I don't know, watch some movies.
But no, my best friend Ethan told me to dress up because they had a surprise for me.
I hated surprises so much, but I didn't complain so I picked out an outfit, did my makeup and hair and then checked if I looked good.




Even if I didn't thought I would, I looked quite good.
I was afraid what Vic would think of my outfit, because secretly I kind of had feelings for her.
She was so pretty, she's making me happy, she makes me smile and she's just absolutely amazing.
Vic makes my heart melt with everything she does, and she always complements me.
Vic is really gorgeous and she never fails to pull me out of darker times.
I have never felt like that towards anyone, but I was afraid to tell her, because I didn't want to destroy our friendship.
This friendship meant the most to me and I would never want to ruin anything that was between us, even if it was just friendship.

I looked at my phone, seeing that I had about 10 minutes left.
Ethan would pick me up at 10, wanting to go wherever.
So I grabbed my purse, put my phone and keys in it and left my small apartment in the middle of Rome.
The night was surprisingly warm so I didn't have to take a jacket.
I looked at my phone for a bit until I saw the light of a car approaching next to me, which made me look up.
Immediately I saw, that it was Ethan, so I put my phone back into my purse and Ethan got out and hugged me.
"Happy Birthday, Piccolo! 21 now, you're so old!" ,he grinned at me.
I slapped his arm in a friendly meaning and replied: "Well, at least I'm older than you"
"And still smaller, you small bean" he laughed which earning him a slap again.
"Come on Piccolo, get in. Oh no wait, I gotta-" he said and put a blindfold over my eyes.
"Is that really necessary?" I whined as he guided me into the car.
"Yup, now psht, don't ask questions cuz I ain't gonna tell you anything" he said after closing my door and getting in himself.
I crossed my arms, playfully whining as Ethan drove us to the "secret spot" or whatever it was.

"Please, at least tell me how long it still takes Ethan!" I whined after about 20 minutes.
"Piccolo, please, we're only driving 20 minutes! But it's only about 10 minutes still, Don worry" he laughed.
We talked about this and that, what I got for my birthday, how it feels like being 21 and whatever.
10 minutes went by very fast and soon the long haired guy stopped the car.
Since I had no vision because of the blindfold, I didn't know where we were.
Ethan got out, opened my door and helped me out, pulling me with him after locking the car.
He guided me to a place I didn't know, but he often told me to "watch out" so I didn't fall.
After a five minute walk, he stopped and stood behind me, not saying anything.
Then he pulled the blindfold from my head, carefully not to smudge my makeup or destroy my hair.
In frknt of me where my beat friends, Thomas, Damiano, Giorgia and Vic.
"Happy Birthday Lena!" They all screamed.
I put my hands over my mouth, stuttering a "Oh my God, thank you so much"
They all came to me and hugged me, everyone saying Happy Birthday again.
At last it was Vic, who pulled me into a tight hug, whispering "Happy Birthday, Bellezza" and kissing my cheek.
My face was burning and I stuttered a thank you.
Just after everyone said Happy Birthday, I saw the location.
It was the most beautiful location I've ever celebrated my birthday at.
It was at a lake in by the forest with a rather large cabin for us to stay over night.
Everywhere were lamps, fairylights and there were also tables and food and drinks and everything.
I was amazed.
"You all organized and did this?" I smiled widely, hugging my friends.
"For you we'd do anything, Lena!" Damiano said, pulling Gio closer to him.
"I love you all so much" I said.

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