You're so much more than just an idol{Oonagh}

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So to introduce Oonagh to you, if you don't know her:
She's a German singer which I absolutely love and since I met her yesterday, I wanted to write this.
She means so much to me, and I could never ever thank her enough.

Warnings: ED; anxiety I think, depression maybe, fluff

Not spell checked

PoV Coraline

I have just seen my favorite singer live.
Her name is Oonagh, well actually Senta-Sofia but I always call her Senta.
She's the sweetest person I have ever seen, and God she immediately recognized me!
Do you believe it? I was dancing in front of the stage, she looked through the crowd and then looked at me.
Her smile widened and so did mine.
Her best friend and also background singer also looked at me and smiled widely.
It was the most special night in my whole life.

I haven't always been like this.
I was a happy girl once but soon I realized that life was really hard sometimes. Or rather often.
It hasnt been easy for me honestly.
I've been struggling, or AM struggling with an eating disorder, I am depressed as hell and I get panic attacks sometimes.
Then I met her, her music.
Oonagh. 2019.
Since then she's been there for me whenever I needed her.
I created a fanpage {which I actually do have, @oonaghs_allie on instagram<3} and she always reads my messages or likes my posts, texts back and likes comments and everything.
We have texted a few times and I always wished to meet her.
She knows that I'm struggling and also having problems with myself and everything.
Forgot to tell you, my mother abandoned me when I was around 13. Now I'm 16.
She has to take care of my sister but thought "Hey she's old enough, I can throw her out".
Tragic, I know, I know.
But that's my life.
My mom has never really cared that much about me and I'm used to it.

Now I am here.
The concert has ended but I'm still in the VIP lounge.
We get money at the foster care and I saved mine to get the tickets.
Our foster mom, Elina, told us all that we were going on vacation since she wanted me to be happy and see Senta.
And then I suddenly was here.
I was really nervous about meeting her because dang help she's so wow..

My gaze wandered up since I heard people laughing and chatting.
I looked directly into the beautiful brown eyes of the woman that saved me many many times.
"Hi, Coraline! It's great to see you, how are you doing? " Senta immediately said as she saw I was looking at her.
Nervously I was fidgeting with my rings and said
"Yeah.. its okey I think. The concert made me forget everything for a while but I'm afraid to go back to be honest"
"I'm happy I made you happy. But why are you afraid?" She asked a little concerned and confused.
"It's..  nothing, don't worry" I shyly smiled at her.
We kept talking a little, took a picture, which I knew I was going to take as my profile picture at my fanpage.
It was so great to talk to her and before they had to leave, she told me
"I see you, Coraline. You're not invisible to me"
I felt tears welling up in my eyes and quickly blinked.
Senta gave me a quick hug before we said goodnight and our ways parted.
"Thank you, Senta" I told her before I left.

Back at the hotel, I was greeted by Elina who led me to my room.
We talked about the concert, I showed her pictures and the videos I took.
I was really happy about everything that happened, but as soon as I was alone, I looked at my phone again, at the picture of the smiling goddess next to me.
My heart ached because I already missed her so much.
I went into the bathroom, got ready and then went into bed and immediately feel asleep, crying a little.

Back at the foster care in Brunswick

I went back into my room as we arrived and unpacked my things.
I had already made a copy of the picture of Senta and me and hung it onto my wall.
It looked amazing!
Then, after I finished everything, I got my phone out and made a small edit for Senta, because I edited the picture of us a little.
I posted it with the caption
"Already miss her so much!"
Some people liked it and then I decided to text her a small text.
It was about how beautiful the concert was, about how I miss her, how sweet she is and everything.
She currently was online and maybe she'd read it right then.
J connected my phone to my speakers and started my "Oonagh&Måneskin" Playlist and just danced until I got the notification that I had received a messenge.
I grabbed my phone and saw that it was Senta!

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