Instagram Post {V.d.A}⚠️

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PoV Nobody

Marlena and her loved girlfriend Victoria de Angelis of 2 years sat in their living room, both scrolling through instagram or Tiktok or just chatting with some friends.
Vic was layed with her head on her girlfriend's lap, sometimes showing her a meme that she saw on Twitter.
There were many many memes about her, Thomas and Ethan killing Damiano, according to the Mammamia Music Video.
The both of them always had to laugh at the creativity of the fans.
Marlena was running her hand through Victoria's hair, as she looked at the new comments below her newest instagram post, which she posted about 2 hours ago.
She had lots of comments and followers, not just because she was the girlfriend of the bassist of one of the most known bands in the world's, but also because she herself was a singer and a concert photographer.
She took many pictures of Måneskin while they played their concerts, and of course also did photoshoogings with the four.
That is, how Vic and Marlena met about 3 years ago.
Måneskin was looking for a photographer in Italy, but didn't really find a good one, until Giorgia, Damianos girlfriend showed them the instagram account of marlena.
The band immediately fell in love with marlenas pictures and so they decided to contact her.
Just a few days later, the five had their first meeting with each other, and everyone knew that there immediately was a special connection.
Marlena took amazing pictures of the band, and Vic and the young photographer had great chemistry.
They five exchanged numbers and did more and more photoshoots together, but also met just as friends, not as colleagues.
Vic and Marlena got really close, until both of them realized, that they were in love with each other.
None of them wanted to tell each other, since they didn't want to ruin the friendship, but one day, Damiano made everyone play truth or day, which Marlena and Ethan thought was childish.
Then, Vic got the truth to tell who she was in love with, and marlena had the dare to kiss Victoria.
That's how they told each other that they loved each other and since that day, they have been together.
The two of them had a really healthy relationship and it never got boring between them.
They always found something new to try, for example was Vic teaching Marlena how to play bass, and Marlena always did random photo shootings with Vic.
Also, Marlena often, or rather mostly came with them to their tours and concerts to support her best friends, and to of course do the photos.
Victoria and Marlena didn't really make their relationship official, but through all the stories and posts, everyone figured out pretty quickly.
The couple was happy, that all their fans were supportive and they really loved seeing the two together.
Often they also asked to take pictures with not only vic but also marlena, which made her a little shy but also happy that the fans appreciated her so much.

"Amoreeeee" Vic whined as she looked up to her girlfriend.
"Sí, Amore? What's up?" Marlena asked back, smiling at Vic.
"I haven't posted something in 3 days.." Vic pouted.
"And... that tells me what, Baby?" Marlena laughed and kept scrolling through Twitter.
"That I have no fucking idea what to post" Vic kept whining.
"Babyyyy give me ideasssss" Vic tugged at Marlenas shirt a little to get attention.
"Post a picture with my hands as your bra" marlena mumbled in a sarcastic tone, not bothering to look up.
She was taken by surprise as Vic shot up and a smug grin grew in her face.
"That's a perfect idea! I have the smartest girlfriend in the world" Vic said excitedly while straddling her girlfriend's lap.
Marlena put her phone aside and put her hands on Vics waist.
"Hmm I guess you do, Babygirl" Marlena mumbled as she kissed down Vicas jaw and then her neck, softly biting the skin.
Vic shivered and a small moan escaped ger mouth.
"Babyyy you're horny" Vic pouted.
"Hmm you're the smart one out of us, huh?" Lena grinned.
"Totally but come online I wanna take those pictures " Vic whined and pulled Marlena up with her.
Then she pulled her brown haired girlfriend to their shared bedroom with the large mirror in front of the bed.
Since Vic was only wearing a button up shirt from Lena, and her panties, she didn't have to do much else than opening the buttons.

The two girls got comfortable on the bed as Marlena let her hands glide over Vics soft skin, up to her breasts.
Vic had to hold in a moan, as her girlfriend's hands lightly squeezed her breasts.
"You know this was a joke right?" Marlena whispered into Vics or, biting her earlobe.
Vic nodded but said "Yeah but it's still an amazing idea"
Marlena had to chuckle and Vic joined her quickly.

Vic got her phone, and started taking pictures, sometimes Marlenas head was seen, sometimes not.
But as Marlena had enough, she started moving one of her hands down to Vics clothed core, and Vic didn't seem to care.
Once her hand reached the blondes panties, she could feel how wet she was already, lightly stroking the soaked fabric of the white lacy panties.
"Oh God baby, you're soaked" Marlena chuckled into vics ear.
The only response she got was a moan since she slowly inserted a finger into her girlfriend's tight and wet pussy.
"Hmm, you're dripping Babygirl. You're all wet for me, huh?" Marlena moaned into vics ear.
Vic quickly nodded and closed her eyes in pleasure.
"Nuh uh, eyes open, watch me finger fuck your tight pussy, you're taking my fingers so well, Babygirl" Marlena whispered as she wrapped her free hand around her girlfriend's throat.
Vic moaned in response and glued her eyes onto the mirror, moaning as she watched herself getting fucked by her girlfriend.
"Take a picture, I want it as my homescreen, seeing my fingers knuckle deep inside you, the tough Vic being all submissive as my hand is wrapped around your throat, Kitten" Marlena moaned and bit her girlfriend's neck.
"Yes Mommy" Vic moaned and in the same moment she took a picture, trying to hold her trembling hand still.

"Oh Cazzo, fuck me faster please, Mommy" Vic moaned and Lena fastened her pace.
Soon after she felt her girlfriend's walls tighten around her fingers and so she moved the hand that was wrapped around vics throat a little lower and squeezed and played with Vics left breast.
That took Vic over the edge and she came onto Marlenas hand with a loud cry.
Marlena pulled her fingers out and stuck them into her mouth, sucking them clean and moaning at the delicate taste of Vic.
"Open" she demanded as she pulled her fingers out of her mouth and Vic obliged, opening her mouth.
Marlena spit Vicas cum into her mouth, making the girl moan and swallow her own juices.
Then she pulled her into her passionate kiss, both girls moaning.

After Marlena helped Vic getting cleaned up and changed into some other clothes, both of them layed down.
Vic sent marlena the pictures and marlena immediately took the one picture as her lockscreen.
Then she helped Vic choose 4 pictures of the ones that they actually wanted to take and then Vic posted them

the pictures that they took

tagged @/mar.l3na
liked by mar.l3na, ykaaar,thomasraggi_, ethaneskin and 1.847.928 more

vicdeangelis: best bra I could wish for @/mar.l3na 😏

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mar.l3na: and probably the cheapest one lmao

vicdeangelis: you're more worth than anything else on the earth, Amore♥️
ethaneskin: aww how cute
ykaaar: ew, love
vicdeangelis: shut up<3

ykaaar: I don't wanna know what happened after those photos...

vicdeangelis: while those photos, my dear Damiano<3
maneskinfan293: and I-

thomasraggi_: che porno 🔥

vicdeangelis: hehe
mar.l3na: always

ethaneskin: I ship u two too much-

mar.l3na: Ethan you have the purest soul.

Hello loves, I hope u liked this one, bc im so proud of it<3
Ti amo<3

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