Little Miss Devil {Cruella}

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Warnings: talk of dead parents, Cruella Spoiler

You're Juniper

PoV Cruella:

I was walking around London, trying to find new inspiration for my new collection. After I got the Baroness arrested, me and my friends moved into the big house at the cliffs and it was really nice.
I could finally be my true self. I could be Cruella de Vil, and not Estella anymore.
I didnt have to hide behind Estella anymore and I was happy about that.
People feared me, by some I was known as "The cruel dalmatian murderer" because they think I killed the baroness's Dalmatians. But I didn't actually.
They were living with me, Buddy, Wink and our other friends in our new home.
I know that they killed my "mother" who actually isn't my birthmother but still, she raised me, she helped me through school and anything else.
And until I almost was killed by my birth mother, who happened to be the baroness, I didn't even know it was her.

Okey nevermind, back to the now.
Buddy and I walked through London, looking for new inspiration.
I had my drawing thing (what do u call kt?) and a pencil with me to create new things, new pieces of art.
I was drawing as suddenly I heard Buddy bark. That caught me off-guard because he usually never really barks. He only makes cute noises, but this. This was loud.
I looked up and the last thing I saw, was the back of a child, their black and red hair flowing in the wind.
I looked around, seeing that I was at regents park, the place were I first met my new friends, my family.
"Hey, you!" I yelled after the kid but they didn't respond. They were too far away to hear me.

I have never seen them here. It was new to have a kid here. Especially because they didn't seem as if they were with any adults.
They must've been around 6 or 7, maybe as old as I was when my Mum died.
Poor child.
I feel sorry for them.

Wait, your name's cruella, not estella anymore. You're not supposed to be thinking like this.
"Enough of this, cmon Buddy, let's go" I said and left the Fountain at Regents Park.
I made my way out of the Park, noticing  Buddy still looked into the direction the child left off.
"Buddy, come one. Don't you wanna see Wink again?" I said but Buddy didn't look at me.
"Buddy! Come-on now!" I said in an annoyed tone.
Buddy slightly growled, but trotted after me to my car.

We drove home, and as I opened the door, Buddy immediately jumped out and ran to the door, where Wink was waiting for him.
Their friendship was the absolute cutest.
They got inside and I followed them, seeing Horacw working at a new design for lamps.
He's got creative, living with me.
"Oh, you're back. How was it?" Horace asked. He was alone, everyone else was out.
"It was good, got some new designs" I smiled at him, laying down on the couch and brushing my shoes off.
I was talented in walking with heels, but they did kill my feet every fucking time.

Horace and I talked about our days before I got up into my room, starting to work on my new pieces.
I was a little lost in my own thoughts.
The child from the park didn't leave my mind for a single second.
Why did i care so much? What was mind doing? I've never felt this much.. care..? for a child. For my friends yes, for my dogs yes. But for a small human? Who still has to grow up and that I don't even know? Never. In my entire life.
Oh God, those thoughts were driving me crazy. Not that I'm already am but you know.

"Ouch, fuck" I yelped as I accidentally put the needle into my finger, making it bleed.
I jumped because I didn't hear Horace opening the door and suddenly Wink stood inront of me.
"Oh I am sorry, really, here" Horace apologized and handed me a tissue.
I gratefully took it and put it on the small wound, making the blood stop.
"It looks good" Horace said, referring to my newest dress.
"Thank you" i smiled.

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