You are my favorites {måneskin}

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Marlena and her friends are Fans of Måneskin.
Knowing that they'll be in London, they got there.
Marlena wanted to tell them how they helped her.
Like a lot.

Warnings: mention of depression, anxiety, panic attack ig

PoV Nobody:

You were out with your best friends, Jake, Sam, Ally and Lyla.
Currently you were all walking through the streets of London to get to your destination.
Where did you wanted to go?
The Ritz London.
Well you did not wanted to go in but stay infront of it because your favorite Band, Måneskin, was doing a like "meet and greet".
You were very nervous but also incredibly excited because you'd finally meet the band which helped you through more than you would want to tell.
They helped you, pulled you out of your darkest holes, the darkest times.
They were your reason to smile every day, who made you happy, who were there for you when nobody else was.

PoV Marlena:

I walked with my friends, looking at the ground the whole time.
I was so nervous about meeting Måneskin. What if they didn't like me?
God someone get help please.
"Look! There's the hotel!" Jake said excited.
This made me look up, and, no wonder but still, unfortunately pulled me down and made me start to tremble a little.
There were lots of people.
Did I mention that I was more than afraid of groups of lots of people? No? Now you know.
God I already felt a panic attack coming!
I knew there was going to be more than just us, but it was still not easy for me.
While Ally, Lyla and Jake already were in fornt of us, Sam stayed with me.
"You okey, Lena?" He asked concerned.
He knew I was having panic attacks around larger groups of people and that I couldn't really handle it.
"Little anxious to be honest.." I mumbled
"I'll stay with you if that helps, and here, take this, I helps" Sam said and handed me one of his fidgeting toys to calm myself down.
"Thanks Bro, hope it helps" I smiled.
"No problem" Sam smiled back at me and we came even closer to the hotel.

As we arrived at the crowd, they were already cheering because Måneskin were about to come out.
Jake took my hand and pulled me further into the crowd.
Yes, he knew I had panic attacks but he wanted to be as close to the band as possible.
And as he knew I loved them, he pulled me with him.
I felt that my breath was kinda stuck in my throat and it became worse for me  I tried to play with Sam's fidgeting toy.
Did it help? Good guess, no it didn't.
Not even close.
Jake pulled me closer to him through the crowd until we were at the very front.
Then I saw them coming out.
First Damiano with Thomas, then Ethan, and then Victoria.
They all looked absolutely gorgeous.
Vic had her red lipstick on, and God I loved it.
As they talked a little to their fans, they came closer.
I felt that I was shaking more and more, I was sweating and felt my eyes watering.
Yeah, I was about to cry as my favorite band was in front if me.
Then Damiano was in front of us.
Jake talked with him and then nudged me.
I looked up, holding my own hand to distract myself.
I saw Damianos lips moving but couldn't hear a single thing.
I opened my mouth to ask him what he has said, as I felt my knees weaken underneath me.
I mumbled a "Fuck, I'm sorry but.." Before I turned around, made my way to the crowd without my friends even really realizing since Jake was talking to Thomas and Ethan.
I know, Damiano had seen me, he had realized I wasn't okey.
And that was too embarrassing.
I was now out of the crowd and sat down on a bench, trembling, bouncing my knees up and down and breathing heavily.
Panic Attack, what else?
Then I felt something wet on my cheeks.
I hadn't even realized I was crying.
I let out a sob before it turned into silent crying.

PoV Damiano

I was just getting out of the hotel with Thomas, Ethan and Vic as we were welcomed by a large group of fans.
I waved to them and yelled a "Hi everybody, this is Måneskin!"
They all cheered and us four stopped to make some pictures, sign some papers and talk to our fans.
Interaction with our fans was the most important for us, and we loved our fans.
As I was walking through the rows, I spotted a pretty girl and her friend. Well I guess it was.
I talked a little to him, he told me his name was Jake.
Then I asked him if he was friends with the girl next to him and he said
"Yeah, that's Marlena, Lena, hey, you there?"
He nudged the girl, Marlena, and she looked up.
My happy facial expressions immediately changed as I saw the look of emptiness, nervousness in her eyes.
I looked over to Jake but he didn't even realize how his friend was doing. He was talking to Thomas.
"Hey, Marlena, right? Are you okey?" I asked the girl and she opened her mouth.
All that came out was a mumbled
"Fuck, I'm sorry, but.. " and then she turned around and left quickly.
She was shaking the whole time.
I wanted to follow her, but was captured in another session of taking pictures.

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