A new Life p.t 2{D.D&G.S}

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Some of u wanted a second part so here u go<3
Warnings: self-harm, talk of bad past, talk of ED

If you get triggered by someone talking, or writing detailed about self-harm,I'd recommend that you do not read this please, thank you<3
And if u wanna talk, im always here

PoV: nobody

Coraline was finally allowed to be happy.
A few months ago, she finally found her home.
Because a few months ago, she was adopted. By none other than Damiano David and his fiancé Giorgia Soleri.
She has never felt more happy in her whole entire life.
Nothing could compare to this feeling, this happiness.
It was indescribable for Coraline.
She has found friends, real friends at her new school.
Also, she got along more than very well with Damianos best friends, Ethan, Thomas and especially Victoria.
They were like the siblings she's never had.
And Vic was different than any other woman she's met in her life.
Vic was always there for Coraline. I mean, Giorgia was too, but Vic and Cora hat a special bond. It was the deepest friendship she's ever had with one.

And Giorgia, oh.. Giorgia.. she was amazing. She was the mother Cora had always wished for.
Whenever Coraline had a breakdown, she cared for her, she helped her whenever she struggled with eating.
Damiano and Giorgia always helped her and never pressured her when she didn't feel like eating. They gave her the chance, and if she ate too less, they would help her and sit by her, at very bad times even feed her.
Coraline was glad that she had those human in her life now.

Of course, sometimes she had very bad times, where she was remembered of her past with her abusive parents, where she always felt like shit.
She had the need to feel something, but whenever she felt like this, she always came to Giorgia or Damiano, or both.
They always comforted her and told her that everything was okey. Nobody could hurt her, that they were there for Coraline.
It helped her a lot, and after that, they always used to watch a movie.
Coraline didn't hurt herself for months. Since she moved in with Gio and Damiano.
The young adults were incredibly happy about that, and very proud of Coraline for coming so far without hurting herself.

But unfortunately today was one of the worst days..
See for yourself.

PoV Coraline

God fucking damn, I thought to myself as I punched my pillow.
I wanted to scream, but I know I couldn't.
Dami and Gio were at home and I didn't want them to worry.
I mean they probably did, because today was so fucking bad that I even refused to eat. Mostly they helped me, but they also knew when I needed time for myself.
They knew when I needed to be all by myself.
I was very glad about that, and they never pressured me to do something I didn't want to do.
I was more than glad I had them in my life.
They gave me time, when I wanted to talk to them, I did without hesitation.
And when I didn't feel like talking to them, I texted Vic. She was like the bigger sister I've never had. She helped me through everything, and she helped my calm down when I had a panic attack or was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on.

I knew, Giorgia and Damiano were in the living room with Legolas and Bidet, probably watching a movie or something. Maybe they were playing a game together or whatever.

I was sitting in my room.
Crying, haunted by the thoughts of my past. Memories of my Mother and father hitting me until I had a bruised lip, until my eyes were Black and blue.
I was crying always. It hurt, the memories hurt so much.

I tried to write it all into my notebook that Gio had gifted me since I told them writing always had calmed me down.
I wrote it down. Everything.
Everything that was stuck in my head and that I wasn't able to get out otherwise.

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