Betrayal, Part 2 of "Deadly Sins" (Marilyn Thornhill)

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Some of you wanted a part 2, so here you go!

Huge spoilers of episode 8! So pls dont read if you havent finished Wednesday!
(I apologize if the beginning sounds rushed, Im just explaining what they already had done so far!)

TW: blood, wounds, death

Third PoV: Things that had already happened

Wednesday had been shocked when Sky told her, that Tyler was the monster, the Hyde. She had explained to her, why Tyler could only be it, and Wednesday believed her. She noticed his odd behavior as well.

So, after the Rave'N, they had made a plan. A plan, where nothing could go wrong.

Wednesday had met with Tyler in the Weathervane to talk. His aura was weird, he was acting completely strange. Enid and Sky had sat in Ophelia Hall, waiting for Wednesday to return. Once the girl came back, she told them everything. Tyler had kissed Wednesday, and she had a vision. A vision about Tyler being the Hyde, as they already knew, and killing Dr. Kinbott. She left the Weathervane immediately, getting back to the Academy as soon as possible.

They decided, together with the Nightshades, that Wednesday should meet with Tyler in the forest, to talk about what happened after the kiss.

And thats what they did. The Nightshades, including Sky, and Wednesday got Tyler and brought him to Xaviers shed. They interrogated him about being the Hyde, of course he denied all those accusations. Wednesday had gotten out her torturing tools, to make the Hyde come out. The Nightshades felt a little weird, and reported all that to Weems. After all, shes the principal. She should know about it.

The police came into the shed shortly after, preventing Wednesday from truly hurting Tyler. The sheriff, Tylers dad, was shocked to see Wednesday and his tied up son. Wednesday got taken to the police station, and they talked to her about all that. Tyler had also quickly talked to her before she left, asking her how it felt to loose. Obviously, she had been in a fucked up mood all the time, an dthen the worst happened. Weems threw her out of Nevermore.

Sky and Enid sat with Wednesday while she packed her things. Wednesday got informed, that Eugene was awake, and that they could perhaps stop by the hospital to visit him. Wednesday seemed happy about the fact, that her friend was awake and she looked forward to seeing him before she had to leave.


Sky was in her dorm, talking to Bianca about this and that. Normally, Sky would be with Marilyn at those times, because she was really sad that Wednesday had to leave Nevermore. But Marilyn had told her, that tonight she had a lot of important things to prepare her lesson tomorrow. She said shed make her lesson very exciting, with a few new and deadly plants. Sky understood that, and so she stayed with Bianca. Her and I were playing a game, when suddenly Enid barged in, seemingly panicked.

Small Enid PoV

I was in my room with Ajax. He was my best friend, and I talked to him so much about Wednesday, especially now because she was gone. (Yes, i love ajax, but yes, i love wenclair more so you get this) Ophelia Hall felt so empty without Wednesdays type writer noises, or my "talks" with Thing.

"I miss her, you know? I didnt think id feel like this towards Nes when I first met her. Everyone is scared by her, but why not me? She makes me feel all tingly and bubbly inside and argh oh my god" I was frustrated by my own feelings and screamed into my pillow. I just heard Ajax laugh behind me and turned around, asking why he is laughing. "Enid, my dear Enid. Everyone at Nevermore knows, that you are in love with Wednesday Addams. Hell, even Weems noticed! The way you look at each other, its so obvious. Also, youre the only one she lets get close to herself. You made her smile and that is something nobody is capable of doing!" Ajax laughs, making me blush. "Whaaat ? Me?? You think she likes me back? Maybe I should talk to her, maybe I shou-" I got interrupted by the door opening. It was Thing.

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