fallen angel {V.d.A}

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"Here in the dark inside the hole in my heart
I'm fighting all of my demons tryna tear me apart"

Warnings: talk of fucked up childhood, little anxiety

We pretend that TIX wasn't at the ESC and that the song isn't from him, thanks<3

{Not spell checked and my phone fucks up some words sorry}

PoV Marlena

It was afternoon, July 7th 2022
Weather was hot, too hot if you ask me.
But luckily we had a pool by our house in Italy.
I was here with my best friends, Damiano, Ethan, Thomas and Giorgia, and secret crush, Victoria.
I've met them at the ESC 2021, as I was supposed to help them with their clothes.
Their stylist got sick suddenly and since I was quite good with fashion and helping others, I helped them.

Flashback ESC 2021

"Marlena! We need you here!" My boss yelled and I quickly went over to him after I finished helping the singer for Germany, Jendrik, with his outfit.
"What's up?" I asked.
"These four need your help with getting ready, their stylist called in sick last minute" he said as if he was in a rush.
"Understood" I just said and started helping them with their outfits.
"You're marlena, right?" The blonde, really pretty and hot woman asked.
"Yup, and you?" I asked back while pulling at her outfit a bit to put it into place.
"I'm Victoria, that's Thomas, Damiano and Ethan. We're Måneskin. Mind sitting with us when you're finished?" Victoria introduced themselves.
"Well, if my boss let's me and if it's fine for you, of course" I smiled at her before helping the guys.

After we finished, I excused myself and went to my boss to ask him.
He said that if nobody needed my help, I could join them.
Luckily nobody needed help and I went back to the Italian band Måneskin.
"Hey, has your boss given you the okey to sit with us?" Vic asked with a smile and I nodded.
"Great" she said as she took my hand.
A wave of warmth flooded through my body and I felt my cheeks heating up.
We went to their lounge and sat down as everything was announced.
Then we listened to every other artist, I was amazed.
Then it was Italys turn.
"Good Luck!" I told them and Vic hugged me one last time before going on stage.
I was really curious since I've never heard of them.

The music started, Damiano started singing an Italian song which I couldn't understand the words from.
I'm American by the way, but moved to Italy not long ago, shame on me I havent heard of them yet I know.
They were amazing!
My eyes were glued to the pretty blonde as she played the bass like a goddess.
Really, she was amazing.
And then she had a solo. And God it was so hot!
The stage was theirs.

After they finished their song "Zitti e Bouni" they came back, smiling like crazy. I was still clapping, embracing them in a hug.
"You were amazing!" I smiled at them.
They thanked me and Vic sat down next to me as I handed her some water.
She put her hand on my thigh and let it there the whole time.
The competition went on, and then they finally announced which country got how many points.
Vic was holding my hand and we cheered everytime Italy got points.
Then, as it was between Switzerland and Italy, we were standing, Vic was holding onto my shoulder, crying and I wiped her tears, almost as excited as them.
The jury talked and Damiano mumbled a "Give us the points finally" which made me giggle slightly.
Italy was on first place with 524 points.

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