Call me Cruella (Cruella)⚠️

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This is based on the song "Call me Cruella"
Have fun<3 everything writtne in this font is said in the past

Warnings: slight and short cruella smut

PoV You

"Cruella de Vil" you said, almost whispering as she slowly crawled her towards you, as you were half way laid and halfway sat on her bed.

"Cruella de Vil" she whispered against your neck before kissing it lightly.

"Shes born to be bad, so run for the hills" you breathed out as she bit down on your neck.

"Cruella de Vil" the slightly older woman smirked devilishly as she traced her hands up and down your body, groping your naked breasts, making a moan escape your parted lips.

"Cruella de Vil" you moaned out, eyes widened, fearing what woukd come next as you knew she liked it rough.

"The fear on your face, it gives me a thrill" Cruella chuckled lowly against your skin and marking you up as hers.

"Who wants to be nice? Who wants to be tame?" She asked as she placed hickeys all over your upper body, groping your breasts and making you shiver under her touch.

"All of your good guys, they all seem the same"you whispered, not being able to form longer sentences as she bit down on your sensitive nipples.

"Original, criminal, dressed to kill" Cruella said as she traced her left hand down to your core, but not giving you what you needed yet. Her right hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing it, not enough to cut up your air, but enough to push pleasure through you body.

"just call me Cruella de Vil" she moaned into your ear, biting your earlobe and tracing the skin of my thighs, coming closer to your core.

"Call me crazy, call me insane" the woman mumbled against your skin, kissing down your body but skipping your heated core, knowing how you hated teasing.

"But your stuck in the past" you moaned as she bit your sensitive skin. you tried to pull her to your core, but she pushed your hands away.

"And Im ahead of your game" you whispered desperately, wanted her to give me what you wanted. Yet, she didnt give in.

"A life lived in penance, it just seems a waste" she bit your thighs, making hickeys there again.

"And the devil has" she whispered, sliding a single finger through your folds, gathering your wetness.

"much better taste" cruella moaned after she licked her finger clean from your liquids.

"And I tried to be sweet, I tried to be kind" She pouted, looking up at you, having puppy eyes.

"But I feel much better now that im out of my mind" finally she gave in, diving right into your throbbing pussy, stimulating your clit with her one hand, as the other pleased your breasts again.

"Well theres always a line at the gates of hell" you moaned out, pushing her face deeper into your core, making her moan against it. The pleasure was building up, the knot in your stomach growing tighter and tighter.

"But I go right to the front cuz i dress this well" you said moaning, referring to all the thousands of hickeys that decorated your neck, your breasts, your thighs and every other part of your body.

"Rip it up, leave it, all in tatters" cruella said against your cunt, pushing her fingers in, deeper and deeper as as she went faster every time.

"Beauty is the only thing that matters" she looked at you, then looking up and down, telling you with her gaze that she thinks you looked more than beautiful like this, in your vulnerable state, being all putty in her hands.

"The fabric of your little world is torn" Cruella said as she ripped your clothes off of your body, leaving you in your undergarments, but not for long as she removed your bra, giving her a full view on your breasts, then tearing off your drenched panties, throwing them aside.

"Embrace the darkness and be reborn" the two haired woman lowly said as she pushed you over the edge with her words and her movements, the orgasm washed over you hardly.

"Cruella de Vil" you whispered, being out of breath.

"Cruella de Vil" she whispered back after she licked you clean, laying down besides you, pulling you onto her naked chest.

"The fear on your face, it gives me a thrill" Cruella whispered and kissed your sweaty forehead as you fell asleep on her chest in no time, having a satisfied smile on your lips.

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