Dont you dare insult her (Amelia Shepherd x Fem!reader)⚠️

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Y/n is a resident at Grey Sloan and shes been in love with Amelia Shepherd ever since shes started there. She loves all surgical fields but shes most intersted in peds.

This takes part in season 18, Link and Amelia Arent together anymore and Kai and Amelia are just friends (sorry, my heart beats for kaimelia too)

Link is being an asshole towards Amelia and y/n doesnz quite like that.

Pov Y/n

Youve got to be kidding me, right? Im walking into the hospital with Jo, Levi and Taryn. We have started at Grey Sloan together and have grown close as a group. Perez is in our group too, but he is already at the hospital as he had to talk to Bailey about something.

Jo is my best friend tho, we have known each other forever and we live together as well. Which, normally is great. Her and I take care of Luna, we cook and all. But at the moment its very annoying. Her best friend, Link, recently broke up with his girlfriend. Amelia Shepherd. When i heard th enews i was glad. I have been in love with the cute neurourgeon ever since i started here. She is beautiful. She is so kind, shes a great mother, a great friend, great teacher. We have worked together a few times and shes just the sweetest.

IM swaying away from the actual subject. Link has been staying with us. I never liked him that much but i tolerated him. Now, i dont even do that anymore. His behavior is stupid. For a few days, I stayed with friends that i have in Seattle because for fucks sake i cannot bear living in the same home as him. He makes me aggressiv and Jo knows it. Jo loves Link, as if thats a surprise and theyve been sleeping together for a bit. I mean you do you but.. Link? Come one..

"Y/n? Hello??" Jo waved infront of my face with her hand, trying to get my attention. "Shit sorry, whats up?" "I said, youre on Dr. Shepherds service today." Jo said with a grin. Her, Levi and Taryn were the only ones who knew about my crush on Amelia. "Oh uh yes good" I stammered. How was i supposed to survive this?

After we changed into our scrubs, we went onto the floors we had our specialties at. Jo was workinng with Carina Deluca today, shes an OB. Delivering babies, helpinng with that is a very beautiful job but it can also be very sad if mom or baby dont make it. So, i am surely glad im on neuro today.

"L/N, youre on my service today? Nice" I was caught offguard when i suddenly heard Amelias voice next to me. "Dr. Shepherd, uh yeah i am" I smiled back at her after i turned around. "Thats good, youre competent and we have a very important surgery if all goes well." She smiled back as she handed me the chart.

"No way.." i mumbled as Amelia and I made our way to the patients room. She explained a bit about the case. "As you might have noticed, Meredith, Dr. Grey, and I have been in Minnesota a lot these past weeks. Dr. David Hamilton, as you read, has been studying on a way to cure Parkinsons. And Dr. Grey and I have helped with that. A week ago, we have finally found a solution on how to keep th healthy cells alive. Dr. Hamilton himself suffers from Parkinsons and wants us to try that on him. His words, not mine" Amelia chuckled at her last words and i had to smile. She talked a bit more about the case until we reached his room. She knocked and we entered. A man was laying in the hospital bed while Dr. Grey was in the room with another person. "L/n, this is Dr. Hamilton, who we will be treating and that over there is Dr. Kai Bartley, they have been studying on the case with Dr. Hamilton for about two years now. This right here is Dr. L/N, she will be watching us in the OR. Present please" When Amelia finished, I started presenting the case, even tho i was the only resident today. They talked a bit about the case, what needed to be done and then Amelia reassured Dr. Hamilton and Bartley that I was the best resident they couldve had on their case before she told me to prep Dr. Hamilton for his surgery.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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