(N)Ever ending jealousy {Lady Lesso} ⚠️

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Not much to say. Just the ever ball and lots of jealousy with our dear Dean of the school for evil

(Nevers and Evers celebrate the Ball together, Sophie and agatha are where they belong, no Rafal and shit in this)

Warnings: lots of smut, mommy kink, use of strap, overstimulation, pain kink, knife kink, blood kink, marking kink, bit of choking maybe, spitting kink, praising and degrading kink, jealousy, lesso being possesive, fluffly/soft lesso in the end

Pov Nobody

The year was going great so far. You were the daughter of Belle and the Beast. Your parents had been at the school for good and evil too. Now it was your time. A few weeks ago, the big boney bird, called a stymph had come to take you to the schools. It had flown over lots of landscapes, showing you the most beautiful parts of your land. The, when you came to the schools you were like hypnotized. The school for good was glowing in bright, golden colors while the school for evil was covere in black mist. The Towers of schools looked exactly the same, just the colors were different.

The Stymph had set you down in the rose garden of the school for good. Not gonna lie, you had been afraid that it would throw you into the muddy water at the school for evil.

You had made friends quite fast, Kiko and you got along really well since the first day. And even tho Beatrix could be.. something else sometimes, she was being nice towards you. And you were very good friends with the Reader, Agatha. she arrived at the same time as you did. Her best friend Sophie was at the school for evil.

After you arrived, you got changed into a beautiful gown in lavender. You didnt have much time, because You all had to go into a big hall. The dean of the school for good and the dean of the school for evil would introduce themselves now.

Professor Dovey was your dean, she was incredibly sweet, she always smiled an was just very happy in general. And then there was her. The Dean of the school for Evil. Her name was Lady Lesso. You always knew you were into women, but she caused you immediate gay panic. God this woman was something else.

After that day, you had caught yourself always looking and longing for Lesso, wherever you went. One day when you and Agatha were visiting Sophie, Hester, Dot and Anandil, she saw you. And she locked her gaze on you. Her eyes sparkled with something you couldnt quite make up. She had asked to see you. And thats when it all begun. Since that moment, you couldnt keep your hands of each other. You did it wherever and whenever. After school, while lunch, in the night when you sneaked into her dorm. Yet, your favorite place to do was the doom room. Lesso looked so hot, no matter what she did and when she would talk to you like you did something wrong, god you got so arouse for her.

Today was the Ever Ball. Evers and Nevers had celebrate it together for a couple years, and it was always a lot of fun as you heard. Evers an Nevers came together in peace and friendship, even if they would be the worst enemies on other days. You were getting ready with Agatha and Kiko right now. Your gown was gorgeous, the fairies helped you pick it out. Kiko and Agatha wore beautiful dresses as well. All three of you had a date. Agatha was going with Tedros while Kiko got asked by Tristan. Surprisingly, Hester asked you. You were very close friends so you agree. I mean, you couldnt attend to a Ball with a teacher, could you? Besides, you wanted to make her jealous. Lesso was hot when she was jealous. Sophie would go with Hort and you all would meet at the ball.

You knew, the Nevers were already down in the Hall, you could hear it. The music was loud, but the Nevers were louder.

You went out of your dorm, all of you going to the stair case. Tedros, Tristan and Hester were standing down the stairs, waiting for you. You looked around the hall, spotting your favorite red head. She was looking at you, up and down, clutching her cane tightly in her hand. Maybe, just maybe you had chosen a dress that was a bit more revealing for tonight. You grinned smugly, as she cleared her throat and started to talk to Dovey.

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