Not now, Puppy {C.d.V} ⚠️

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Cruella is working, but her girlfriend needs attention..

Warnings: smut, Strap on, praising kink, mommy kink

not spell checked

You're Faye

PoV Faye

I was sat in our warehouse, being as bored as ever. Jasper wasnt home and neither was horace. they were out with buddy, wink and artie, going on a walk and then eating something, i dont know.

I had no books to read as i already had read all my books that we had in our cozy home. Artie had gotten me some new, very good books but well, as i loved reading, i already had read them. I could write new poems, but i had no motivation or inspiration to do so. Also, i had no more paper to write poems or my stories. I just laid on mine and cruellas bed as she worked on new dresses to ruin the baroness even more.i had watched her the whole day, not knowing what to do. I walked around the warehouse, i had cleaned, i had done everything that I could. BUt now, i was out of ideads.
I didnt want to go outside as i hated being outside alone because it was boring as hell.

"Cruellaaaa?? I am bored" I whined as I looked at my pretty girlfriend.

"HEllo? are you even listening to me?" I kept whining. Wow, she didnt listen to me. she was only focused on her work. seems like this dress was more important than her own girlfriend, ouch. Of course, i understood why cruella wanted to destroy the baroness. She was the one to kill my girlfriends mum in the end. It was cruellas.. job to revenge her mum.

But still. "Babyy.. Darling.. Angel.. Sweetheart.." I whined.

No answer.

I stood up and went over to her, kissing her neck slightly. "Baby i am bored" I whined into her ear. "Can we do something? Anything? Pleaseee" I whined massaging her head.

"Not now puppy, mommy is busy" Cruella groaned. I bit my lips and pouted. "Well then, have fun sewing that dress, I will go for a walk" I huffed. No reaction? youve gotta be kidding me oh my god. Quickly i wrote a little note in case she would stand up after some time and left it on the kitchen counter thingy.

I put on my shoes, took my coat and left our home, feeling a little angry or annoyed or sad. i dont know, maybe a mix from all of those feelings.

"Bye Cruella, see you later" I yelled to our bedroom as I went into the elevator. Not even a fucking goodbye?!

Groaning with annoyance i left the house and walked down the streets of London. I was lost in my own mind as I made my way over to regents park where i sat down at the fountain. I talked to Cruellas mum myself, especially when i was alone. i didnt get to meet her, but still, talking to her gave me a kind of comfort since my own mother had left me and well, my father was dead.

"Hey.. you are probably watching your daughter right now, and i dont know if you even hear this. but if you are here with me, then thank you" Just in this moment, wind came up and splashed a bit of water into my face. "Oh, so you are here with me. at least someone who gives me company" I chuckled. "You know, i love your daughter. i love Cruella, or Estella as you might would want it, i love her with my whole heart, no words could describe that. But lately she is so caught up with work because of the baroness and so on. and she just ignores me, you know? This hurts more than i would admit. if she would just spare 1 to 2 hours per day for me, that would be enough for me. but she completely ignores me.. she had spoken like six words with m today, can you believe that? she is so caught up with her dresses to get her revenge with the baroness and i start to hate it. for sure, i would always support her, no matter what happened" Wind came up and messed with my hair as if my girlfriends mum tried to tell me something.

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