The nightmare.

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Destruction was all around him. Fire was all around him and darkness was all around him. It creeped around him like thick shadows ingulfing him in a never-ending nightmare. Declan Akaba shuttered slightly at the devastation around him. Sure, demons were violent by nature since they wanted to rise up in the hierarchy fast. The only way to do this was by dominating people with their strength. Or it used to. After Zarc managed to become demon king, the chaos of rude power and violence got pushed to the side and created a somewhat society that actually functioned surprisingly well. That was not to say that the violent tendencies of a demon were diminished. No, they were still presented in their survival instinct and were one of Declan's most feared phobias. Him losing himself completely and become a beast of destruction. That was what he was seeing in front of him now. The destruction caused by his final and full form. That was also the real reason he had split his own powers in 3. His water, fire, and wind form. This way he could fight without losing his own self. Now however, he had indeed used that form, and it horrified him beyond belief. Buildings, the environment, and people were lying dead for his feet.

"You did great Declan. I am proud of you" a voice then suddenly said as a hand were caressing his scalp.

Or were more like tapping his hair since he had reverted back to a tired depleted human form. That said, the action had Declan flinch instantly. He knew who this was, and it sickened him more than anything. It felt like a snake creeping under your skin and trying to eat you from within.

"I... I..." Declan gulped slightly.

He wanted to say so much. Yell stating that he was not his to command. That he was not a pet for his amusement and worst of all shaking that hand off his head. But alas that was not possible so instead he replied.

"...Thank you... Master Yuri".

Declan felt like he should throw up inside. That was how bad this moment felt. It didn't help that the proud feelings he swallowed from Yuri, tasted like burned ashes. Oh, how he would do anything to taste Gili's. Or be with her. Hug her! Anything really as long as he was not in this dreaded nightmare.


Speaking of nightmare, Gili was standing in front of them both now with a horrified expression. That didn't help on the guilt Declan was feeling already along with the pain in his heart. How he longed to rush to her side. To protect her. To be with her...

"Ah look who is finally here" Yuri commented and chuckled darkly now. He had let go of Declan and had walked out being the middle point between both of them now. An evil grin was plastered on his lips too. "Gili with the power of harmonics. The girl who is having a celestic contract with my dear favorite servant now. Or had. Hate to break it to you but you are too late. Declan Akaba belongs to me now. Just as this realm".

Declan shivered slightly as he was staring at Gili. She was holding this hurtful expression that made Declan want to shout up and tell Yuri a thing or two. Nothing did however leave his lips making Declan having an eternal struggle inside his mind. No! No! This is not real! This is just a dream. Just a terrible nightmare! I would never do this! I would never obey Yuri!

"N-o, No! I... Declan I... I want him back. I love him!".

Gili's words ran as an echo all around Declan now and made him wake up from the fearful bubble of self-pity he was in. Gili... Oh how he wanted to say I love you too. Yuri, however, didn't let him.

"Well, isn't that sweet?! But that doesn't change the fact that he is already mine!" Yuri said and chuckled again. Then waved with his hand, like he wanted to shoo her away "But I am in no need of you or your harmonics powers. I already conquered this realm and overthrown my father. So just go away as the nuisance you are".

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