The first battle.

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Kite was glaring at his father or in this case this dragon who was having a tight grip in his foot and caused him to dangle with his head downwards. His eyes did meet his father's however, as the dragon head came in close and its infuriated Kite to no end. Here was the man who had chased him that night. He even took Hart's soul, leaving him in this comatose state at the order. He was the man who made a deal with a demon and thereby became one. No matter how many times Kite thought about it, he could never understand his father's reasonings, but it was clear that the man he knew as his father had long gone. It was eminent in his appearance. Dragon like features as well as skeleton white scales, but the orb on his chest was new. Kite wondered if he had archived more power or just evolved further. That is if demons even could evolve, but Kite guessed it was much like people when they trained. His father must have been working hard to archive this form.

(Here is what he looks like)

(Here is what he looks like)

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"Well long time no see Kite. I didn't think you would be so foolish in joining them" The dragon then spoke, making Kite hiss in an angry tone.

"Hello father. Today is the day I will kill you and get Hart's soul back!". He could hear how the dragon was chuckling darkly now.

"Oho I see you realized the truth. That is very astute of you Kite. It only took you 7 years to figure out" the dragon then mocked "Or have you been distracted by hanging out with this lot. Not really impressive. I thought our foes were more impressive".

"Hey! Don't insult a demon lord! Especially not someone from the wrath clan" Sorano hissed as he growled fiercely. "I will break every bone in your body".

"I am sure you could Sorano Connors, but I am not interested in you" Faker snort "Besides, I have strict orders to let you pass. Especially Yuto and this girl". Kite could see a claw getting pointed at Gili, who scaredy hid behind Sorano.

"Wait what? Yuri is sparing us?!" Yuto questioned in disbelief "That is not like him".

"Oh, don't see it as sparing you. Master Yuri just firmly instructed that you two was not being harmed yet" Faker replied and chuckled darkly "He want to kill you personally I believe. That and your father could be on his way right now. I am sure you don't want him to meet any of you in His world. He doesn't like strangers".

"That does sound more like Yuri" Yuto mused and looked at the others "He might be right. Meeting my father now might be a death wish...".

"But what about Kite?" Saya uttered shocked "We can't just leave him here".

"Let him go you fiend!" Allen yelled furiously.

He had grabbed his sword and attacked the dragon. His sword hit his scaled white body with a loud bam. However, all that earned him was pain, as he suddenly was send flying backwards without any reasonings. Kite hissed furiously as he managed to draw his sword and cut at his father's tail. The dragon let out a furious scream of pain as he let go of kite and...

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