The bootleg pub.

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"So, this is your work?" Declan questioned with distaste as he grimaced and looked at the pub in front of him.

He was already confused over his human's choices to go to work today. Especially, since he earned her all that money this morning, but alas his Gili was a weird fellow that was for sure. She had what he hadn't seen in many humans for years to come, morals. Morals and duty. Something with that her boss had send in a text and asked her to come in, which she had of course complied. Something Declan also saw as weird. She was just a buzz girl, cleaning dirty tables and stuff. Why would she even want to work there when she didn't need to? Declan grimaced again. Especially, since she was working here of all places.

"I am beginning to see a pattern" Declan mused slowly as he pulled Gili into one of the side alleys beside the pub "I can see why the winged freaks couldn't help you. Don't you know what place this is?". '

Gili looked puzzled at him, which only made Declan growl annoyed. Why? Why of all things was he contracted to such a newbie?

"This is the gluttony clan's territory Gili!" he lectured in a harsh tone "Can't you smell their stench in the air?".

"I... Declan! I don't know what you are talking about? My work colleagues have all been kind to me. I know none of them are demons!" Gili snort out and crossed her arms over her chest rather defiant "And what do you mean by demon territory?".

"Right, you are such a newbie. Guess I really have to educate you myself" He replied and rubbed his temples "You know I am from the pride clan and a demon noble right?". At that Gili nodded slowly.

"Well in our society we are having an interesting hierarchies. At the top of the ladder we have the demon king and his royal family" Declan began slowly "Our king was the first to create a demon society out of all the chaos our world once was. And I can tell you there was chaos, but that is beyond the point right now. Point is he created 7 noble clan families to sit at the royal court. All made out of the seven deadly sins. Greed, Lust, Wrath, Sloth, Envy, Gluttony and my clan, the pride clan. My clan".

"Um okay" He could see Gili question "But what has that to do with anything?".

"I am getting there" Declan mused and sighed deeply. He had never had such a clueless contractor before "You see we 7 clans in some way interact with the human world in order to gain food and power, as well as tempt humans into sins. Just like those blasted angels and gods are trying to prevent that. That is the balance of the world. Call it a coexistence if you will. You, my dear Gili are for some stupid reason meddled in between those two worlds now".

"I... I don't understand..." Gili said and looked even more confused at him.

"You believe in Them. Those blasted angels and their God" Declan hissed in annoyance "While at the same time mixed up with what humans sees as the criminal underground. A must place for demons to hang out. No wonder you got a celestic contract. Your so-called angels cannot meddle on demon termitarium, and that pub is one of those places. That pub stinks of demon scent!".

"But... I... I never seen a demon in my life!" Gili defended "You are the first demon I ever have seen. If this really are at a demon territorium, why would they let me work here? Not to forget, pay me or even give me food once in a while? Aren't demons supposed to be all mean and evil?".

"Oh, my sweet, it almost pains me how innocent you are, but only almost" Declan replied and snort "True, we demons are seen as vicious and evil, but there is another side to us. Like deceiving and manipulative. That is how we get humans to our buildings. It is much more proficient than brute violence. As for the demons here, they properly showed you fake kindness in order to feed from you. As innocent as you are, eating from you is like a rare delicacy. That or just fun to mess with...".

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