The visitor.

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"Have you heard, Leo Akaba's son is missing?".

"I heard he finally went rebellious against his father".

"I heard he is planning of rebelling against the demon king himself". '

"I heard he in the human world and got himself a powerful contractor and is now creating mayhem in the human world".

Sorano hissed annoyed for the million time today. His fists were clenched in anger as the wrathful son of the wrath clan were trying to get his temper under control. All those rumors just pissed him off big time. There was no way his best friend Declan would even think of creating mayhem or a rebellion right now. Sure, he was missing, which was the only out of all of these rumors he believed. Declan Akaba had been missing for a while now, and it were beginning to worry him. He should have heard something by now. Declan always contracted him if anything delayed him or if he was in trouble. Sure, he had taken that summoning, but that couldn't take that long could it? Even if he got a contract, and food, he should have been done with his assignment, shouldn't he? Sorano hissed as his fist collided with the nearest rock formation and broke in half out of his sheer power. His power was always multiplied when he was angry.

"Declan, what the heck are you doing?!" Sorano hissed as he hit the rock for a second time "You even erased your demon signature. It is like you don't want to be found, but why? What kind of trouble are you in?".

He hissed again as he rubbed his injured wrist now. Then he sighed deeply. Guess he really have to resort to this. Only one person was able to trace unregistered demon energies. He flicked with his wrist and before long the person he had thought about appeared, kneeling before him.

"You called my lord?" the male, dressed in a suitable suit said and looked up at him.

"Herk, bring me the newest thinker item from the human world. Ask and pay Shinji Weber if you need help. I need to make a bargain with the thinker prince".

The smell of oil and iron hit his nostrils as Sorano entered the garage shop at the royal palace. Even though it was only a garage, it could hold up to three giant vehicles in here. Everyone knew the demon king had used no expense in making his third youngest son happy, even though tinkering in general were outdated and seen as useless by demons. Not like the prince really cared about what others thought. He was just very fascinating with the human world itself and their abilities to invent items. For that reason, this prince had gotten the nickname Tinker prince by the other demons, even though his real name was Yugo. Yugo Haouryu.

"Well, well if it isn't the wrath boy from the wrath clan" Yugo said as he rolled away on what he called a skateboard and from the machine he was creating.

If Sorano remembered, this was supposed to be one of those fancy motorcycles he had heard about from Silvio, when he visited the human world. It was one of the items that brat was greedy about and bragged about getting one day. Yugo here were apparently creating his own from scratch. Dressed in a white bodysuit, which was another reason he was disliked by the other demons, white was an angel's color, with gloves to match, Yugo golden hair with blue brags stood out like crazy. But at the same time did make him attracted by the ladies.

"What's up Tinker boy. I need a favor" Sorano stated firmly without sugarcoating it.

"Don't we all" The boy replied as he rubbed the oil away from his gloves "That is usually the only reason people wants in contact with me". He chuckled a little.

"That is, if you are my brothers or papa" Yugo said and sighed almost longingly "Been so long since I saw Yuto... but no matter, what can I do for you?".

Yugioh Arc V Au. A pact with the devilWhere stories live. Discover now